It’s almost time for our hot, passionate (yet genderless and sexless) love affair to end … but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends.

Over the past few weeks, I have spent countless hours of intense drinking and half-assed planning (I pulled my first UCSB all-nighter on Tuesday) to bring you 104 pages of pure Weatherlove.

Weatherdeity (and A.S. Notes) willing, the Weatherbook will go on sale for $6 today in front of the Daily Nexus office in Storke Plaza after 12 p.m.

Thursday’s forecast: Buy my book. It’s good.


Tuesday, May 27’s “Weather” column by the Weatherhuman failed to mention that the Weatherpageant entry submitted by the “Library Bookmarkers” – Steve Johnson, Megan Bagdonas, Kerri Brownfield and Anne-Cecile Thomman tied for first place. The Weatherhuman is an idiot.

The Weatherhuman regrets this error and would never do anything to hurt the bookmarkers’ feelings.

P.S. To Steve’s mom: I’m sorry I disappointed you.
