Editor, Daily Nexus:
A university is set up and run to provide its students with the tools necessary to become successful in the world. Although athletics provides the ability to learn to compete and live a healthy life, it does not provide necessary tools for the world that exists outside of the court or off the field. We attend this prestigious school for an education. The university is not set up to provide students with a place to play sports that take time away from their studies.
The Student Athletic Fee Initiative, which will be on the ballot in the upcoming election, claims the new facilities it proposes to construct will be open for everyone to use. Granted, I am sure we will be able to use the new fields, state of the art pool, tennis courts and gymnasiums; however, our use is restricted to the convenience of the intercollegiate athletes who use the gym during prime hours of the day.
I don’t want to see our school become an athletic school such as UCLA or Stanford. We are here to learn. By building these fields and enhancing the athletic facilities, we are detracting from the sole purpose of being here in the first place – education. Vote no on the Student Athletic Fee Initiative.