Stimulus Suceeds Only at Sucking U.S. Economy Dry

In medieval times, the height of medical knowledge was the leech. Unaware of the origin of sickness, peasant doctors would use leeches to drain blood, for they believed that removing the blood would r...
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A Heavy Hand Could Steady Iran

Right or left, everyone acknowledges the insanity of letting this man acquire nuclear weapon technology, but have Obama's policies effectively deterred Iranian nuclear pursuits?
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Obama’s Health Care Plan Sells Public a Package of Lies

Can the bureaucracy, that will supply "free" taxpayer subsidized services, be in any business other than the destruction of the private sector and individual control over health care choices? Has utop...
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California Budget Mess a Failure of Both Parties

"You're a Republican?!" gasped a fellow classmate as she heard my mutterings during a professor's lecture.
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Republicans Must Stick to Core Values

With the election of Barack Obama, American pundits are once again prattling over the fate of a weakened GOP.
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Obama’s Health Plan Ignores Human Nature

I was recently asked what I thought to be the logic behind Obama's push for national health care, considering the superiority of our market-based system.
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Sex and Morality Should Mix

Apparently it’s Sexual Responsibility Week, but the irony must be lost on those well-intentioned people who had the idea for such an event. “Sexual responsibility” seems to imply tha...
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Hamas Terror Threatens Any Peaceful Solution

This is in response to Quinn Sullivan’s article, “Consider the Two-State Solution,” (Daily Nexus, Jan. 12, 2009). You are indeed correct to acknowledge that Israeli civilians, who ha...
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Ailing Economy Aches for Long-Term Fix

The news media has recently focused its attention on Barack Obama's choice of his previous arch nemesis, Hilary Clinton, for Secretary of State. While a significant cabinet pick, might I suggest that ...
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Obama at Odds With Far Left

Barack Obama has made history as the first African-American president of the United States, something we can all take pride in. But Obama’s opportunity to bring historical change has only just b...
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Obama’s Plans Far From Right

If Barack Obama is elected President of the United States, change is coming. Obama, rated the most liberal U.S. senator by the National Journal and largely considered the most liberal politician ever ...
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Bailout Plans Are Welfare for Rich

The frustration of the New Orleans victims was angrily directed at President Bush, voiced in the demands for immediate federal action. In other words, incapable local political structures complained t...
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