Tiffany Velazquez / Daily Nexus

Tiffany Velazquez / Daily Nexus

Everybody knows Disneyland is expensive; it’s a simple fact of life, and yet we cannot help but spend money on meals and snacks every time we go. That being said, there are ways to minimize the amount of damage done to our wallets while still enjoying some of the food that Disneyland has to offer.

Here are a couple of simple tips that my friends and I used on our recent two-day trip to Disneyland:

Pack Snacks

It is really easy to be tempted to buy snacks, so probably the easiest thing you can do to save some money is to pack snacks ahead of time. On my last trip, we were there for almost 14 hours the first day alone. In our case, each of us entered the park with sandwiches, a freezer bag loaded with fruit and a bag of chips. Knowing how quickly I can get dehydrated, I remembered to also pack myself a decently sized water bottle. Now that’s not to say you shouldn’t indulge in one of the many treats the park has to offer. We each got some sort of frozen treat when the sun came out and shared some popcorn later in the day. But simply put, in packing some snacks beforehand, you are less likely to be tempted to buy everything that comes into your line of sight.

Choose Wisely

Eating dinner at the park is not a problem as long as you are able to choose a restaurant wisely. If you wish to compare menus and prices, it is easy to download the Disneyland app or simply look up the restaurants online. We looked at the restaurants that offered meals for under $14.99 and were relatively close to where we were in the park at the time. We opted for chicken breast nuggets at The Golden Horseshoe the first day and slow-roasted Louisiana beef stew at the French Market Restaurant the next. The Louisiana beef stew was a favorite of ours with its hearty blend of beef, potatoes and carrots. In our case, it also made for a new experience, being the first time we had stew served in a bread bowl.

“The Happiest Place on Earth” often makes your wallet cry, but if you remember to follow my tips, you’re sure to enjoy the magical world of Disney without any regrets.


Tiffany Velazquez
Tiffany is the On The Menu Co-Editor and has been at the Nexus since spring of her freshman year. When not working on the paper, she is the literal embodiment of an English major and can survive on coffee alone.