-Direct the Office of the Student Advocate
-Provide assistance and support to any undergraduate student or group involved in disciplinary actions
-Hold a forum once per quarter in front of the UCen

-Maximum honorarium of $400 per quarter
-Full payment of university-assessed fees for term of office.

Harrison Weber is running unopposed for the student advocate general office, and while there may be no contest for the position, he appears prepared. His experience under two advocate generals makes him a reputable candidate. The idea of including an advertisement for the S.A.G. office on residence hall citations is an effective way to increase visibility of one of UCSB’s underutilized services. He is divorced from the back and forth party politics on campus, a necessity for anyone seeking the apolitical advocate general seat.

In his Nexus interview, he made a strong case for himself, referencing goals he has already accomplished in the S.A.G. office and work he has done building bridges between the students and the administration. While his pitch focused on advertising for the office, something that he could have already begun in his current position, his background appears solid and his aims are commendable. Weber’s experience and drive earn him the Nexus endorsement for S.A.G.
