Goleta City Council passes resolution against Sable Offshore restarting oil pipeline

The Goleta City Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Feb. 4 opposing Sable Offshore restarting the Las Flores Pipeline responsible for the 2015 Refugio Oil Spill.

Several Del Playa properties at-risk ahead of forecasted storm, county says

Santa Barbara County is monitoring over 35 properties on Del Playa Drive ahead of forecasted heavy rain from tonight until Friday. 

Senate fills five on-campus seats, refines special election ballot language

The Associated Students 75th Senate swore in five new on-campus senators at its Feb. 5 meeting. They also discussed long-term plans, funding requests and the winter quarter special election.

Perpetrator of Goleta Beach sexual assault, robbery still at large

The suspect of a robbery and sexual assault that occurred at Goleta Beach two weeks ago is still at large, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office says. 

OBSD hosts Black History Month opening ceremony, honors Elroy Pinks

The Office of Black Student Development hosted its third annual Black History Month opening ceremony on Feb. 3 in the Student Resource Building’s Multipurpose Room. 

‘Grrrls’ just wanna have waves: new surf collective expands to I.V.

Women-led surf collective Grrrlsonboards expanded its mission to Isla Vista as of Jan. 31st, through a club aimed to support women in the surfing community.

Author Tommy Orange talks about his life journey, influence on Native American-centered novels at Campbell Hall

Pulitzer Prize finalist and best-selling author Tommy Orange gave a presentation Campbell Hall, where he discussed his life experiences and novels. 

Students come together to celebrate Lunar New Year amid political pressures

Several departments at UCSB hosted a Lunar New Year Celebration on Jan. 29 with food, boba, crafts and games in the MultiCultural Center Lounge.

Foodbank of Santa Barbara County to open new Sharehouse

The Foodbank of SBC will open a new 57,000 square foot warehouse at 82 Coromar Drive on March 1. Nicknamed “Sharehouse,” the location will store and distribute a greater amount of food.

Library opens arts expansion

The first floor Sara Miller McCune Arts Library reopened on Dec. 2 after renovations that modernized the space and added more seats and media tools.