A.S. Questions Reimbursement for College Republicans Lecture

A divided Associated Students Legislative Council will ask A. S. Finance Board to reconsider its decision to grant $1,250 to the College Republicans for a lecture they sponsored in early November at i...
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Academic Senate Delays GE Changes Until 2003, Cites Lack of Campus Input

Plans to change UCSB general education requirements for students within the College of Letters and Science have been delayed until 2003, after more than a year of discussion.
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UCSB Opts Against Plagiarism Finder

After an extended trial period, the UCSB administration decided not to subscribe to a website service designed to detect plagiarism. But professors and departments remain free to use the program at th...
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New Study Asserts Benefits of Home Counseling

Seven thousand, four hundred ninety-eight cases of child abuse were reported in Santa Barbara County last year, some of which, based on a recent study by UCSB professor Daphne Bugental, might have bee...
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