Wells Fargo Deposits New Branch in Isla Vista
A Wells Fargo branch recently opened in Isla Vista, becoming the first bank office to enter the area since rioting protestors burned the I.V. Bank of America branch to the ground in 1970.
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A Wells Fargo branch recently opened in Isla Vista, becoming the first bank office to enter the area since rioting protestors burned the I.V. Bank of America branch to the ground in 1970.
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Students in need of a lift should hail the Absolute Cab Company, a Santa Barbara-based taxi service, for its recent move to Isla Vista. Josh Klein and Thomas Rhyne, both former UCSB students and owner...
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This weekend's Freedom Celebration fundraiser will honor what organizers are calling a historic legal victory for civil liberties and protection of privacy within medicine.
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Several hundred participants and volunteers showed up this weekend at a Santa Barbara AIDS walk to support an ongoing local struggle against the disease.
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