UCPD Chief Mystery Nears Finish
Only two candidates remain in the hunt for a new chief of police of the UCSB Police Dept. (UCPD), as a university search committee enters the final phase of its selection process.
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Only two candidates remain in the hunt for a new chief of police of the UCSB Police Dept. (UCPD), as a university search committee enters the final phase of its selection process.
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While the Lagoon behind the UCen has no Loch Ness creature to its name, it has been known to have a monster smell. However, some recent environmental engineering and other efforts over the past 30 yea...
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Boxers for Pi Kappa Alpha's (PIKE) 14th annual Fight Night sized each other up yesterday night at the pre-fight weigh-in, giving themselves and the public an idea of what to expect at UCSB's annual br...
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The UCSB chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) will try to bring peace, love and harmony to Storke Plaza today, as it hosts its second annual "Cannabis Carnival...
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UCSB's chapter of the CalPIRG, a consumer advocacy group, took a stand yesterday in support of students and their quest for cheaper textbooks, with professors from around the nation backing them up.
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Vaginas from all over UCSB will come together today to celebrate women, their reproductive organs and the fight against sexual and domestic violence.
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UCSB students pay more for textbooks, on average, than any other UC, according to a new study released by the California Public Interest Research Group (CalPIRG).
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