Award Money To Fund New Research
Four UCSB assistant professors recently received awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF), granting them money to fund individual research projects on campus.
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Four UCSB assistant professors recently received awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF), granting them money to fund individual research projects on campus.
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To compensate for the decreased on-campus parking availability due to ongoing construction, Transportation & Parking Services (TPS) has implemented a free valet service for students, faculty and staff...
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Buyers at tonight's second annual ROTC fundraising auction can order cadets to wash cars, dishes, do laundry and an array of other service tasks. The ROTC will auction off 10 of its cadets from 8 to ...
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The results of a recent transportation study exploring the parking habits of those who park on campus, has been used to consider policy alternatives to reduce UCSB's traffic and parking problems.
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A group of students from various on-campus organizations plan to walk out of classes today in protest of President Bush's second inauguration.
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