Does Floatopia Deserve Such Fury?
Vice Chancellor Michael Young wrote a commendable appeal to UCSB students (“Floatopia,” April 22, 2009). Given the first Floatopia’s impact on the ocean and shoreline earlier this mo...
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Vice Chancellor Michael Young wrote a commendable appeal to UCSB students (“Floatopia,” April 22, 2009). Given the first Floatopia’s impact on the ocean and shoreline earlier this mo...
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UCSB's "Strike Against War" inspired at least 27 other major anti-war protests at colleges across the nation including Columbia, UC Santa Cruz, Georgia State and Rutgers, and even rallies at high scho...
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In Monday's Nexus ("Media's Attacks Add Stressors on Troops," Daily Nexus, Oct. 22), Ross Nolan writes, "Monday morning quarterbacking by the anti-war liberals in our country creates a situation where...
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Matt Macauley ("Protesters Lack Key Facts on Nukes, UC," Daily Nexus, May 10) disagrees with the hunger strike against UC nuclear lab management for three reasons: 1) We need experts to clean up the m...
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How many students are aware that the University of California manages two nuclear weapons laboratories for the federal government?
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Your friends have either told you they're not striking or you've seen skeptical accounts in the Daily Nexus about the efficacy of the strike.
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oshua Freeman's recent opinion piece, "Arrive Legally In Order to Receive Rights," Daily Nexus, May 8), shows us that discrimination facing poor, mostly Latino immigrants is incredibly deep and comple...
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It's been a very merry Christmas for the UC Regents. On Dec. 21, the limited liability corporation they formed with Bechtel, BWX Technologies Inc. (BWXT) and Washington Group International was awarded...
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Two columns recently appeared defending the UC's management of the Los Alamos National Laboratory: "A Constructive Coalition" from Joshua Zide, (Daily Nexus, Oct. 18) and "UC a Better Candidate than B...
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