Graduate Student Resource Center holds 2023 Grad Slam Showcase
The Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) is hosting a Grad Slam Showcase throughout the month of February starting Thursday, Feb. 2, for graduate students at UC Santa Barbara. Contestants grouped into different disciplines will give three-minute talks about their research for various money prizes.
The event will showcase the following disciplines: engineering, earth and biological sciences, humanities, math and brain sciences, environmental and technology management, chemistry and physics, social science and education.
The event can be viewed by anyone in the UCSB community and attendees can register to attend on Shoreline.
UCSB Sustainability holds forum with Goleta Water District
UCSB Sustainability is collaborating with the Goleta Water District for a question and answer forum on Thursday, Feb. 2, from 1-2 p.m. over Zoom.
Participants can ask questions, as well as voice comments and concerns, about their local water sources and the water district overall.
“Clean drinking water is an essential resource that we all have a right to,” the Shoreline description read. “Take back the tap and make your voices heard by joining us in this event.”
Prospective attendees can access the Zoom link by registering for the event on Shoreline.
UCSB Sustainability is a group of staff, students and faculty that is working to create a more sustainable campus at UCSB.
Asian Resource Center hosts mindful meditation session
In collaboration with the Educational Opportunity Program, the Asian Resource Center (ARC) is holding a mindful meditation session for the campus community on Thursday, Feb. 2, from 4:30-5 p.m. at the ARC.
The session will be led by certified facilitator Michael Takahara, who will lead weekly guided meditations.
The ARC holds space for support and resources for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community at UCSB.
Thomistic Institute at UCSB presents lecture on neuroscience and human freedom
The Thomistic Institute at Santa Barbara is hosting a lecture by professor James Madden about neuroscience and human freedom on Thursday, Feb. 2, at 7 p.m. at Buchanan Hall 1920. Madden is visiting from Benedictine College, where he teaches philosophy.
The lecture is free and open to the public, and those interested can register for the event through the Thomistic Institute website.
The Thomistic Institute organizes lectures, seminars and reading groups for their on-campus chapters to promote Catholic intellectual traditions.
A.S. Environmental Justice Alliance hosts discussion for Black students about Environmental Studies
Associated Students Environmental Justice Alliance (EJA) is hosting a space for Black students to talk about their experiences in the environment department, as well as an opportunity to explore their interests and career goals. The discussion will take place on Friday, Feb. 3, at the African diasporic Cultural Resource Center.
“[This is] a space for Black students to talk about our experiences in the ES department, our niches, interests, and career goals, and give each other advice that we wish we had in our underclassmen years,” the Shoreline description read.
Food will be provided.
EJA at UCSB makes space to discuss topics around environmental justice through events and campaigns.
Student Engagement and Leadership hosts daylong education conference for Greek life
Student Engagement and Leadership (S.E.A.L.) is holding an education conference for fraternities and sororities on Sunday, Feb. 5, from 12:30-4:30 p.m. at Campbell Hall.
The conference will feature keynote speaker and founder of “The Safety Pillar” program Lori Hart, and will include various breakout sessions participants can sign up for. Breakout rooms vary on topics like relationships, sustainability, LGBTQIA+ terminology, narcan and alcohol education, interpersonal violence, community building and bystander intervention, among others.
Participants can register for the event on Shoreline.
S.E.A.L. promotes student engagement and development through co-curricular programs on undergraduate and graduate levels.
Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity LGBTQIA+ housing coordinator hosts drop-in hours
The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD)’s LGBTQIA+ housing coordinator Ethan Lord will start drop-in hours beginning Monday, Feb. 6, at the RCSGD lounge. The hours will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 2:45-4:45 p.m.
Students can ask Lord questions about the on-campus housing process, gender-inclusive housing options on and off campus and general advice about being in the LGBTQIA+ community at UCSB.
Interested participants can sign up for Lord’s drop-in hours on Shoreline.
RCSGD is UCSB’s LGBTQIA+ center that provides support and resources for LGBTQIA+ communities and education on LGBTQIA+ topics.
Women’s Center hosts mixer for women in S.T.E.M. regarding burnout
The Women’s Center is hosting a “Women in STEMixer” on Monday, Feb. 6, from 3-4 p.m. at the Women’s Center. The event will feature an open discussion about combating burnout and provide an opportunity to socialize.
Pizza will be provided.
The Women’s Center provides education on women’s issues and topics and holds spaces for women’s organizations, as well as mentorship and external programs.
RCSGD hosts community potluck for transgender campus members
RCSGD is hosting a potluck for the transgender community at UCSB on Monday, Feb. 7, from 6-8 p.m. in the multipurpose room (MPR) of the Student Resource Building (SRB).
Participants are encouraged to register on Shoreline and indicate what they will bring to the potluck on the center’s sign-up sheet.
“All trans, nonbinary, gender-non-conforming, and questioning people [are] welcome, even if you can’t bring anything!” the Shoreline description read.
Filipinx Association for Health Careers hosts roundtable discussion on career development
The Filipinx Association for Health Careers (FAHC) is hosting its general meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 7, from 7-8 p.m. at Girvetz 1115. The meeting will feature a discussion on topics around academics, professional development, healthcare and humanities.
UCSB FAHC holds space for support and resources for Filipinx students looking to pursue health.
RCSGD and Mental Health Peers discuss mindful practices for LGBTQIA+ mental health
RCSGD is collaborating with the Counseling & Psychological Services’ Mental Health Peers to host an event on mindfulness for LGBTQIA+ mental health. The event will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 2-3 p.m. at the SRB MPR.
“Come join us as we practice mindfulness in traditional and non-traditional ways,” the Shoreline description read.
RCSGD hosts game night for LGBTQIA+ students to break from midterms
RCSGD is hosting a game night for LGBTQIA+ students on Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Manzanita Village Rainbow House lounge.
The event is open to all Manzanita residents and UCSB students, and prospective attendees can register on Shoreline to qualify for free snacks and prizes.
A version of this article appeared on p. 2 of the Feb. 2, 2023, print edition of the Daily Nexus.