UC Santa Barbara, announced the reinstatement of its previous indoor masking policy on May 26 according to an email sent by Chancellor Henry T. Yang to the campus community. The new mandate is effective May 27 through June 12.
The original mask mandate was lifted on March 19, after the start of spring quarter.
This decision follows a significant increase in COVID-19 positivity cases in Santa Barbara County and on campus, according to the email.
The reinstated mask mandate requires masking in classrooms and other indoor shared spaces on campus and will continue through finals and Commencement weekend. Individual residences in campus housing, dining halls while eating and individual offices with one person and the door closed are exempt from the policy.
Students required to remove their masks during indoor music and performing arts rehearsals are allowed to do so, but masks will still be required to be worn in these spaces when not actively practicing, rehearsing or performing, the email stated.
Both surgical and N95 masks are available for pickup throughout campus, including at the UCEN and A.S. Pardall Center, according to the email.
Democrats are morons.
Crazy liberal mask policy, these nut cases want to see how far they can push you around. Democrats want to tell you how to live as the elites fly off in there private jets.. Also global warming is a scam, again they control you like sheep.