View the bills and resolutions proposed by Associated Students Senate.
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Resolutions on the Table will be updated with more details as new bills and resolutions are introduced in Senate. Current entries will also be updated as more information becomes available about past legislation.
1 | Title | Introduced | Author(s) | Bill Type | Student Sponsors | Latest Motion | Vote | Action | Yes/No/Abstain | Result | |
2 | A Resolution to Outline Socially-Responsible Investments and to Divest from Companies that Profit from Human Rights Violations in Israel/Palestine | May 16, 2018 | Brandon Mora, Vanessa Maldonado | Directional/Positional | Naia Al-Anbar, Edan Tessema | ||||||
3 | A Bill to Update the Legal Code of AS Zero Waste Committee | May 16, 2018 | Sophia Dycaico, Anthony Pimentel | By-Laws | |||||||
4 | A Resolution to Support Partnership Between the AS Food Bank and Miramar Pantry | May 16, 2018 | Anthony Pimentel, Alison Sir | Directional | |||||||
5 | A Bill to Update Article V of the By-Laws | May 16, 2018 | Alexandra Gessesse, Ilene Ochoa | By-laws | |||||||
6 | A Bill to Update the Legal Code of the Public and Mental Health Commission | May 16, 2018 | Sami Kaayal, Grecia Martinez | By-laws | |||||||
7 | A Bill to Update the AS Environmental Affairs Board Legal Code | May 16, 2018 | Sophia Dycaico, Sami Kaayal | By-Laws | Rena Lahn | ||||||
8 | A Bill to Update Lobby Corps Legal Code | May 16, 2018 | Sophia Dycaico, Brooke Kopel | By-Laws | Spencer Brandt | ||||||
9 | A Resolution Directing the AS Executive Director to Allocate Administrative Funds Towards Supporting the UCSB Undocumented Community | May 9, 2018 | Steven Ho, Brandon Mora | Directional | Karla L, Lezli B | ||||||
10 | A Bill to Update the Office of the Controller Legal Code | May 9, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Brooke Kopel | Allen Stephen | |||||||
11 | A Resolution to Support the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 3299 | May 9, 2018 | Alexandra Gessesse, Vanessa Maldonado | Directional | Michael Kile | ||||||
12 | A Bill to Update AS Program Board Legal Code | May 2, 2018 | Grecia Martinez, Grayson Hernandez | By-Laws | Tarush Mohanti | Motion to table for one week | CONSENT Vote taken: 5/2/18 | ||||
13 | A Resolution in Recognition of the Armenian Genocide | April 25, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Kristen Armellini | Positional | Emmanuel Hartounian, Vanais Ohanian | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/25/18 | ||||
14 | A Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism and Hate Speech | April 11, 2018 | Brooke Kopel, Anthony Pimentel | Positional | Michelle May, Aaron Hendizadeh | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/11/18 | PASS | |||
15 | A Bill to Update HRB Legal Code | April 11, 2018 | Anthony Pimentel, Alison Sir | By-Laws | Rachel Ng | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/18/18 | PASS | |||
16 | A Resolution in Support of SB 1275: The Plan Against College Hunger Act of 2018 | April 4, 2018 | Brooke Kopel, Sophia Dycaico | Positional | Madeline Loudon, Spencer Brandt | Motion to pass | OBJECT Vote taken: 4/4/18 | ||||
17 | A Resolution Against Cyber Bullying | April 4, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Anthony Pimentel | Positional | Motion for a roll call vote | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/4/18 | Roll call vote | 22-0-0 | PASS | ||
18 | A Bill to Update Article XI of the Bylaws and Add the Global Gaucho Commission to AS Legal Code | March 7, 2018 | Grecia Martinez, Sami Kaayal | Motion to bundle and approve consent calendar | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/11/18 | PASS | |||||
19 | A Bill to Update Article XI of the Bylaws and Add the Public and Mental Health Commission | March 7, 2018 | Sami Kaayal, Grecia Martinez | By-laws | Motion to bundle and approve consent calendar | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/11/18 | PASS | ||||
20 | A Bill to Update Maximum Honoraria Caps | March 7, 2018 | Sami Kaayal, Grecia Martinez | By-Laws | Motion to send this to Finance and Business | CONSENT Vote taken: 3/7/18 | F&B: TABLED FOR TWO WEEKS | ||||
21 | A Resolution to Hire an Advisor for the A.S Transfer Student Alliance | March 7, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Ilene Ochoa | Directional | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 3/7/18 | PASS | ||||
22 | A Resolution Supporting the Campaign to Extend Cal Grant Aid into Summer Session from the Coalition for a Better UC | March 7, 2018 | Steven Ho, Brandon Mora | Directional | Mayela Morales, Justice Dumlao | Motion to pass | OBJECT Vote taken: 3/7/18 | 1. Vote to Vote 2. Hand Vote | 1. 21-3-0 2. 23-0-1 | PASS | |
23 | A Bill to Update The Bottom Line Legal Code | March 7, 2018 | Andrea Reyes, Stoddy Carey | By-Laws | Gwendolyn Wu | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 4/418 | PASS | |||
24 | A Resolution Supporting the Demands for Undocumented Students at UCSB and the Local Undocumented and Immigrant Community | Feb. 28, 2018 | Steven Ho, Brandon Mora | Directional | Karla L, Lezli B | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/28/17 | PASS | |||
25 | A Resolution in Support of Preventing UC Tuition Hikes | Feb. 21, 2018 | Sophia Dycaico, Brooke Kopel | Positional | Madeline Loudon, Spencer Brandt | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/21/17 | PASS | |||
26 | A Resolution in Support of University Full Time and Student Employees and On Campus Workers Unions | Feb. 14, 2018 | Steven Ho, Brandon Mora | Directional | Michael Kile, Mayela Morales | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/14/17 | PASS | |||
27 | A Resolution to Support Chumash Recognition | Feb. 14, 2018 | Dhishal Jayasinghe, Sami Kaayal | Directional | Jeike Meijer | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/14/17 | PASS | |||
28 | A Resolution in Support of CalPIRG’s Renewable Energy Campaign and in Support of SB-100 | Feb. 14, 2018 | Sophia Uemura, Steven Ho | Directional | Rose Strauss, Emma Whitson | Motion to send this resolution to external | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/14/17 | SENT TO EXTERNAL AFFAIRS; PASSED IN CONSENT CALENDAR | |||
29 | A Resolution to Combat Sexual Assault Through the Sprigeo App | Feb. 7, 2018 | Kristen Armellini, Grecia Martinez | Directional | Matan Bostick, Batsheva Stoll | Motion to send this resolution to External Affairs | OBJECTION Vote taken: 2/7/17 | 1.Vote to Vote 2. Vote | 1.14-8-0 2.14-8-0 | SENT TO EXTERNAL AFFAIRS; TABLED INDEFINITELY | |
30 | A Resolution to Create a Committee to Address Textbook Affordability | Feb. 7, 2018 | Steven Ho, Jorge Santos | Directional | Mara Tinajero | Motion to pass this resolution with the edits made by Senator Ho | OBJECTION Vote taken: 2/7/17 | 1. Vote to Vote 2. Hand Vote | 1. 20-3-0 2. 23-0-0 | PASS | |
31 | A Resolution in Support of the Formation of a Formal Office of Sustainability | Feb. 7, 2018 | Sophia Dycaico, Sami Kaayal | Positional | Rena Lahn, Joanne Yue | Motion to table the resolution for one week | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/7/17 | TABLED | |||
32 | A Bill to Update Article XV and XVIII of the AS Legal Code | Jan. 31, 2018 | Stoddy Carey, Kia Sadeghi | By-Laws | Mary Zhu, John Paul Renteria | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/7/17 | PASS | |||
33 | A Bill to Create a Transfer Student Alliance BCU | Jan. 31, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Ilene Ochoa | By-Laws | Julian Armada, Matt Nielsen | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/7/17 | PASS | |||
34 | A Resolution in Support of Signing the Affidavit of Execution/Adoption | Jan. 31, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Grecia Martinez | Directional | Motion to pass | OBJECTION Vote taken: 1/31/17 | Hand Vote | 21-0-1 | PASS | ||
35 | A Bill Updating the Legal Code of the Associated Students Office of the President | Jan. 31, 2018 | Grecia Martinez, Kristen Armellini | By-Laws | Hieu Le, Charles Neumann | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 2/7/17 | PASS | |||
36 | A Resolution to Support the Repeal of the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing | Jan. 31, 2018 | Ilene Ochoa, Andrea Reyes | Positional | Joshua Cade Nauman | Motion to pass | CONSENT Vote taken: 1/31/17 | PASS | |||
37 | A Resolution to Support for Disability Equality within UCSB Housing and Residential Services | Jan. 24, 2018 | Alison Sir, Anthony Pimentel | Directional | Leili Golian | Motion to pass this resolution reflecting the changes made in closed session | CONSENT Vote taken: 1/24/17 | PASS | |||
38 | A Resolution to Support the UCEN/Student Union Renovation and Expansion Project | Jan. 24, 2018 | Grecia Martinez, Kian Maalizadeh | Positional | Grayson Hernandez | Motion to table this resolution indefinitely | CONSENT Vote taken: 1/31/17 | TABLED | |||
39 | A Resolution to Provide Aid to Students for Montecito Mudslides | Jan. 24, 2018 | Kian Maalizadeh, Ilene Ochoa | Directional | Motion to pass this resolution | CONSENT Vote taken: 1/24/17 | PASS |
Information sourced from Associated Students Senate.
Kian and Grayson, who are both members of Campus United were in direct support of the Ucen project????