Police confiscated two handguns in Isla Vista during Deltopia, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.
Briton Barge, a 23-year-old Isla Vista resident, filed a report of a stolen backpack at around 5:50 a.m. on Saturday.
It was later reported Barge had brandished a .40 caliber pistol at two victims while searching for his backpack.
He was arrested four hours later without incident. The firearm and ammunition were then recovered from Barge’s apartment.
In the evening at approximately 8:20 p.m., deputies stopped 24-year-old Tristian Gilford of Santa Maria for having faulty lighting equipment in his vehicle. Police found a .25 caliber pistol concealed between the driver’s seat and center console.
He was arrested for several violations, including carrying a concealed firearm in a vehicle, driving on a suspended license and having an open container of alcohol and marijuana in the vehicle.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that these two criminals are privileged, white, Fox News-watching Republitards who get their talking points from Rush Limbaugh and drive around in their macho man pickup trucks with smug grins on their faces. They do not care that they are emitting greenhouse gas emissions and permanently damaging the climate. We should not tolerate them and we must vote their political heroes like Trump out of office. Trump has destroyed the environment, devastated the economy, and made us all sad to be Americans. It takes a village to solve these problems, but the… Read more »
It’s a treacherous walk when stepping on assumptions. You sound like an alt-righter trying to make Democrats sound dumb. Whether intentional or not, I will not assume either, this is what you’ve done.
Someone has some hate issues….You sure got a lot more detail out of the article than I did, or maybe my version was quite different.
The fact that there are numerous handguns being unlawfully used is disturbing. Wasn’t this a deadly matter a number of years ago?
Maybe you should write a letter to God and ask him to take away our free will. If someone purchases a gun legally, then decides to carry it around with them in a concealed manner (which is illegal unless they have a CCW permit), there is nothing that can be done to stop them. The only thing that would stop this is full scale confiscation and making all guns illegal. Do you really think that is a good idea?