On May 23, 2014, Rodger, then a second-year student at Santa Barbara City College, stabbed three of his housemates before driving through Isla Vista and opening fire on street-goers. Nexus File Photo
Elliot Rodger, who in May 2014 murdered six UC Santa Barbara students and wounded 14 others before taking his own life, was named a member of the alt-right in a report published Monday by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Investigations into Rodger’s internet posting history, along with his manifesto and the videos he uploaded to YouTube, led the SPLC to designate Rodger as a member of the alternative right, which is typically defined as a far-right ideology that blends racist and white nationalist ideals.
The SPLC cites excerpts of Rodger’s manifesto and various posts on online forums. In his writing, Rodger bemoans his “inability to find a girlfriend,” condemns interracial couples and laments that a black man — “descended from slaves” — can “get a white girl,” while he cannot.
On May 23, 2014, Rodger, then a second-year student at Santa Barbara City College, stabbed three of his housemates before driving through Isla Vista and opening fire on street-goers. In the years since, he has become an internet meme on alt-right forums. Posters frequently invoke his memory to highlight misogynistic, anti-feminist ideology.
Rodger’s link to Nazi ideology was established as early as Feb. 2015 when the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office (SBSO) released its full report on Rodger’s killing spree. Rodger searched the internet for phrases like “Adolf Hitler and the law of attraction,” “Nazi curbstomp” and “Holocaust of black people,” the Nexus reported.
Infamous white nationalist Richard Spencer coined the phrase “alt-right” as far back as 2008, but since the turn of the decade, the ideology has gained prominence, especially with the rise of meme culture and a surge in far-right sympathies in global politics.
In all, the SPLC listed 13 alt-right killers, including Dylann Roof, who in 2015 killed nine people in a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.
That finding is no great shock. Rodger is a hero to those loons.
Who the hell cares??? The community just wants to move on. I’m trying really hard to see any point in this article at all but I can’t find one. But I suppose that’s typical nexus. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
No surprise there. If news doesn’t exist, create it. The problem is… THIS AIN’T NEWS! It’s an assumption @ best & 1 used to further divide an already divided society because after all, Orwell was right. 1984, yeah, it’s upon us. In the words of Joseph Goebbels: “I can make the truth.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a joke. It’s highly unfortunate that any news outlet cites them as an authority.
SPLC used to be a useful asset to the cause of racial injustice. Now… not so much. They’ve become agenda driven in a way that presents misleading information & data while failing to ignore that ANYONE regardless of color, race, ethnicity or religion can be racist. Partisan politics have been ruling their stance for a while now. It’s slanted.
This article is deliberately misleading. It does not mention that Rodgers is half white, just like for example President Obama (who is also exactly half white). How, then, can he be a white nationalist? Oh, because Rodgers looked up controversial ideas on a search engine? Furthermore, the alt-Right venerates women (perhaps excessively) beyond the mere threshold of post-modernist ‘gender equality’, whereas Elliot Rodger was an outspoken misogynistic psychopath. I have no sympathy for the alt-Right; they are a dangerous and destabilizing force in American society. Nevertheless, the SPLC and the author of this article are ALSO extremist purveyors of deception… Read more »
The classic bullshit used by the true separatists who thrive on fake oppression in a feeble attempt to make a point. Idiot Rodger was an asshole. He hated himself, he hated others, simple as that. His agenda was self driven & originated from his loving home, which by all descriptive was “liberal” in every aspect. Mom was Asian, dad was a Brit, he was also a Hollywood director/producer, they gave little Idiot everything he wanted & that’s what we got. The guy was an asshat, simple as that. Why drag bullshit politics where non exist? Oh, yeah because it points… Read more »
Elliot Roger was an evil Chinaman/Chinaboy as far as I’m concerned. Fuck China, and Fuck Chancellor Wing Wang.
Get your facts straight, he is not from China. Idiot!