Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
UC SANTA BARBARA — Kicking off dead week with some added stress, Isla Vista was plunged into darkness late Monday night, likely as a result of raging fires in Ventura County. Many students abandoned studying to storm DP amidst cold weather, blasting music, illegal fireworks and burning couches. Here are exclusive photos straight from UCSB’s night without power.

Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
The outside of Davidson Library, right at the beginning of the blackout: Confused students first start to process that the power is actually out.

Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
Pardall stoplight: The busy intersection is lost in darkness as passersby begin snapchatting and documenting the blackout on social media.

Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
Santa Catalina dorms: Students began yelling back and forth between the two towers to communicate with each other. Most easily heard was the chanting of, “fuck FT.”

Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
Storke Tower: The iconic campus landmark still stands proud during the power outage.

Ariana Marmolejo / Daily Nexus
Del Playa Drive: Taken moments before multiple pieces of furniture were set ablaze.
Ariana Marmolejo is an aspiring photographer and serves as the assistant editor for Nexustentialism.