Isla Vista residents and the UC Santa Barbara campus lost power late Monday evening, likely a result of the Thomas fire burning in Ventura County, according to Southern California Edison electric company.

The first outage occurred at approximately 9:52 p.m. The UCSB campus and I.V. residents were left without power for several minutes. Power returned briefly before going out again.

The outages occurred throughout Santa Barbara County and extended to Ventura County.

Kelly Hoover, Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office spokesperson, said there were reports of fireworks late Monday. Will Tracy / Daily Nexus

Susan Cox, Southern California Edison spokesperson, said that the power outages “appear” to be linked to the Thomas fire in Ventura County.

According to Southern California Edison’s online outage tracker, power service is expected to return to I.V. residents at 1 a.m.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office (SBSO) confirmed reports of fireworks set off in I.V. Monday evening after the power went out.

Thousands of I.V. residents swarmed Del Playa Drive in response to the outage. Many were holding candles, shouting in the streets and blasting music.

Two couches, one dumpster and one chair were set on fire late Monday. Sicheng Wang / Daily Nexus 

SBSO spokesperson Kelly Hoover confirmed two couches, one chair and one dumpster were set on fire on Del Playa Drive.

One couch was set on fire at approximately 11:17 p.m, according to Santa Barbara County Fire Dispatch.

UCSB students and local officials condemned the illegal lighting of fireworks and burning of furniture in statements released on Tuesday.

Hoover said no arrests were made.

The disturbances on Del Playa Drive quieted down by 12 a.m. on Dec. 5, Hoover said.

Correction: Hoover said the disturbances on Del Playa Drive quieted down by 12 a.m. on Dec. 5, not Nov. 5. 


Evelyn Spence
Evelyn Spence harbors a great love for em dashes and runs on nothing but iced coffee, Jolly Ranchers and breaking news. She serves as the managing editor and can be reached at, or at @evelynrosesc on Twitter.