Police responded to a report of sexual assault Saturday morning on the 67 block of Del Playa Drive, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office reported.
A female resident called police at approximately 5 a.m. Saturday after she woke up and found an unknown male “fondling” her in her bed, according to Kelly Hoover, SBSO spokesperson.
When the female resident confronted the man, Hoover said, he fled from the residence.
Isla Vista Foot Patrol officers responded to the call and tried to locate the suspect, but Hoover said they were unable to find him after an “extensive” search.
Police said the investigation suggests the suspect “most likely” entered the residence through a bedroom window.
Police described the suspect as a Hispanic male adult in his thirties who was wearing a grey-colored sweatshirt at the time of the incident.
The Isla Vista Foot Patrol is investigating the incident and asks that anyone with information call 805-681-4179 or send an anonymous tip at this link.