We all know Chancellor Henry T. Yang can be a goofball sometimes, but what you’re about to see will certainly make you lose control of your bowels! This stack of photos left behind at a local Chuck E. Cheese’s reveals a sillier Henry than we could have imagined! Even a G.O.A.T. has a little fun every now and then!

Simone Dupuy / Daily Nexus

Pictured here, Chancellor Yang is caught off-guard as he tests out the new faculty lounge microwave. What a goof!

Zack Zimmerman / Daily Nexus

(Circa 2004) Henry goes balls-out in the Taco Bell ball pit. He’s young at heart!! Too cute!

Simone Dupuy / Daily Nexus

A picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is only worth one: Disgraceful. Henry dunks on innocent youths. Least silly image of the bunch.

Simone Dupuy / Daily Nexus

Pictured above, the Yangs take Deltopia. Little known fact: Henry and Dilling both supplement their income by posing as “after” pictures for Muscle Milk ad campaigns. What groovy cats! So in with the crowd!


Simone Dupuy / Daily Nexus

LOL! Henry loves the fair, but he doesn’t love devilspawn gingers! Silly sweet-tooth Henry! 


Simone Dupuy / Daily Nexus

Silly boy abroad!!! The Chancellor once thought he was a joey instead of a Henry. Hah!


This article was brought to you by Amos G. Buttersnatch and Reptilia Ornthbee.
