Assemblywoman Monique Limón has proposed 21 new bills for the California State Assembly’s 2017-18 session. Last Friday was the last day for state legislators to submit new bills to the Assembly.
The bills address education, public health and employment rights issues.
Measure AB 453: This bill introduces legislation that brings attention to student hunger in higher education.
Measure AB 738: This bill would ensure that school districts and charter schools offer courses in Native American studies based on the model curriculum.
Measure AB 1550: Administrators of a school district currently have 45 days after the end of a fiscal year to report whether they will remain financially stable for the rest of the year. If passed, this bill will extend the period to 50 days.
Measure AB 1661: This bill would require superintendents of public institutions to create the Academic Performance Index, an alternative system for measuring the performance of schools and their students.
Measure AB 1037: This bill intends to create current legislation regarding the California Dream Act and would include students’ eligibility for a non-state funded scholarship.
Measure AB 722L: This bill would allow a member of the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors to also serve on the Isla Vista Community Services District board of directors.
Measure AB 614: This bill would require the California Department of Aging to employee an Alzheimer’s and dementia specialist to guide the families of those affected.
Measure AB 1119: This bill aims to make changes to current laws that give the State Department of State Hospitals more authority over patients with mental health disorders.
Measure AB 1522: This bill would act as an amendment to the current law that requires every beverage container for sale to have a California Redemption Value or CRV.
Measure AB 1281: This bill acts as an amendment to the California Coastal Act of 1976, but it does not propose any major changes.
Measure AB 1472: This bill aims to give more control to the State Lands Commission to monitor the ways oil, gas and other minerals are extracted from the land.
Measure AB 1276: This bill would allow the United Water Conservation District in Ventura County to hire park rangers to act as “peace officers” and protect the properties of the district, so long as they meet certain standards and undergo training.
Measure AB 1197: This bill would act as an amendment to the current law that establishes spill management teams (SMTs) and their authority.
Measure AB 944: This bill intends to make changes to how the Secretary of Food and Agriculture makes agreements with other private or public entities and how the secretary receives and spends funds.
Measure AB 978: This bill would require an employer to give a free copy of the injury prevention program to any employee that asks for a copy within five days.
Measure AB 1672: This bill would act as an amendment to the current law that allows some governmental agencies to receive insurance information of a person receiving workers’ compensation in order to decrease insurance fraud.
Measure AB 1122: This bill supports the legislation that will begin development of affordable housing.
Measure AB 556: This bill would implement a fine for the violation of county ordinances.
Measure AB 995: This bill aims to make changes to the fines and penalties a legislative body of a county receives when and if they violate any rules.
Measure AB 1328: This bill would make changes to projects that are deemed acceptable to receive funding to further support affordable housing.
Measure AB 676: With this bill, people in the child care services would need to receive training on occupational health and safety risks and how to identify and avoid risks that come with caring for children.
A version of this story appeared on p. 3 of the Feb. 23, 2017, edition of the Daily Nexus.