Tamari Dzotsenidze
Tamari Dzotsenidze, Managing Editor, first started at the Daily Nexus her first quarter freshman year as an assistant news editor. When not in the dungeon under Storke tower, she likes to make weird art and go to the beach with her dog Duke.
Prop 63: Disarming law abiding citizens and adding to the already strictest gun laws of any state in the nation.
VOTE NO ON PROP 64. VOTE NO ON PROP 64. VOTE NO ON PROP 64. VOTE NO ON PROP 64. Prop 64: will make smoking marijuana a criminal offense, any under 21 found in possession of ANY marijuana will be jailed for 6 months or fined $500 (right now, possession under an oz. in CA gets you $50 ticket), if you’re under 21 and found smoking you will also be ineligible for federal financial aid, the revenue from marijuana sales will only go to a fund built by prop 64 to fund the system they are creating, prop 64 will… Read more »
False, consequences will be similar to an MIP for alcohol