The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office arrested four people wanted in connection with a home invasion robbery that occurred Jan. 29, 2016 on Madrid Rd. and Camino Pescadero in Isla Vista.
At approximately 4 p.m. on Jan. 29, second-year Carissa Garcia, 19, Palm Springs resident Kenyatta White, 19, and a 17-year-old male allegedly forced their way into the residence and began taking personal property of the residents. One of the suspects was allegedly armed with a souvenir baseball bat, according to the Santa Barbara Sherrif’s Office (SBSO). During the course of the robbery, one male victim sustained a black eye and another male victim broke his hand. Within the same night, SBSO identified a female driver of the getaway vehicle as first-year student Breanna Kromer, 18, and she was taken into police custody after a traffic stop on Embarcadero Del Mar. Kromer was booked into the Santa Barbara County Jail on charges of robbery, resisting arrest and conspiracy. Public Information Officer for SBSO Kelly Hoover said one of the suspects was familiar with a resident at the location, and the incident “wasn’t a random crime.”
Garcia was arrested the next day and booked into the jail on charges of first degree robbery and criminal conspiracy.
On Jan. 31, SBSO arrested White and the 17-year-old male after receiving an anonymous tip about their location at a residence on the 900 block of Camino Lindo. SBSO, along with I.V. Foot Patrol, attempted to contact the suspects, but the suspects refused to comply. UCPD officers set up a perimeter and contained the area. After entering the residence with the K-9 Unit, the officers were able to arrest and book White and the 17-year-old for robbery, conspiracy and resisting arrest.
White is still in police custody and is being held on $100,000 bail, according to SBSO. The juvenile was released with pending charges.
Garcia is currently on a conditional own recognizance release (OR). Benjamin T. Ladinig, chief prosecutor for the case, said the court released Garcia on OR due to the recommendation of the Santa Barbara County Jail conditional own recognizance release/bail release (OR/BR) unit.
According to the OR/BR report by the Santa Barbara County Superior Court, SBSO arresting officer said Garcia “made threats against the victim during jail phone calls.” Prior to Garcia’s release, alleged victims one and two provided similar input, with victim two saying he feared Garcia may return to the residence to retaliate.
As references in the report, Garcia’s parents described her as “a good kid, trustworthy and very responsible,” adding they were unaware of Garcia having any issues involving alcohol or drugs. The references also expressed certainty that Garcia would appear in court and abide by conditions of release.
Kromer’s bail was posted at $100,000, but Judge Clifford Anderson reduced it to $50,000 after the pretrial. Kromer posted bail and was released. Kromer was denied an own recognizance release “due to lack of reference input and unverified personal information,” according to the OR/BR report.
Kromer’s father said in the report that she had “control” issues with alcohol and she “periodically uses marijuana.” Kromer’s mother cited past alcohol and drug use, not including current usage, and said the subject is in need of counseling. Kromer’s mother described her as “dependable, loyal and responsible” but said she is not currently taking her medication and is “headed down a bad path.”
The Santa Barbara Independent reported that in court Monday, public defense attorney Mark Owens claimed Kromer received no medications during her time in jail. In response, Hoover said “there are several procedures in place when an inmate is booked at the jail and at no time was there ever any indication that there was medication that was prescribed to her. The first time the jail knew of this issue was during court.”
The University was unable to provide a comment regarding the academic status of the students after the incident.
Hoover said there is a possibility that drug involvement is a factor in the motivation for the robbery, but the case is under investigation.
The preliminary hearing for Garcia, Kromer and White will be held Feb. 24 at 1:30 p.m.
*This article has been updated from its original form to protect the privacy of a subject of this article.
This theft culture on our campus is absolutely unacceptable! I DEMAND UCSB to take action on this instead of being so grossly negligent! Don’t teach me to lock my doors, teach thieves not to steal!!!
while you at it, just blame god for how fucked up this world is, it’ll help you sleep at night I bet.
I hope they get expelled
Watch when you catch a case. This is illegal and slander. You have quotes that are wrong and putting lies.
Enjoy getting sued (:
This is told in a typical American Media way. Get your info straight. This shouldn’t have been released. Hopefully you don’t get sued.
carissa is a sociopath. She ruins peoples lives. multiple people have left UCSB because of her and another kid died while doing drugs with her. she needs to get expelled.
You obviously don’t know her at all. Nobody drops out of school because of somebody else and the kid that died got his shot all on his own apart from her. Back to up and learn some facts before you run your mouth. Ignorant people like you should be expelled
No, Carissa is one of the most terrible girls I’ve met in IV. I’ve spent a good amount of time around her and she’s nothing but a wanna-be gangster brat who’s consistently back stabbed and manipulated everyone thats ever cared about her. She’s toxic for anyone close to her and a disgrace to UCSB.
Lol when? Cause she definitely doesn’t try to act like a gangster, and the people that are close to her love her unconditionally me being one of them. And if you felt this way about her and your hanging out with her it sounds like you’re the true wannabe. Nobody is toxic for other people, people make their own decisions. Like I stated before ignorant people like you are the true disgrace to this school. Especially seeing how this article is spewing multiple lies and you have the audacity to judge a persons character off of it.
we arnt judging from this article we are judging from our own experiences with her and we think she’s a toxic sociopath and if ur one of the people who like her than obviously she hasn’t tried to ruin your life or the life of someone you care about or you’re just okay with the types of people who are fucked up. also this is literally a post about how she committed armed robbery which is 100% true and i don’t want people like that at my school. regardless if you like her she’s a criminal and no one should… Read more »
do you know what the definition of a sociopath is? Go met a real one and then comment back about her. And no this isn’t a post about how she committed an armed robbery this is an article about what they think happened. Why would she be released on OR if they really thought she did something. Thats what fighting the whole case is about, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Also pretty sure it says the guy had a bat so like i said dont judge someone off this article because it isnt the first time the nexus is… Read more »
also I’m sure elliot rodgers parents loved him unconditionally too that doesn’t make him any less of a psychotic criminal
Rodger’s parents were literally racing up to IV to try and intervene as the attack went down. They weren’t the problem.
nobody was saying they were a problem
i know two girls who left ucsb because of her and her current gf was suspended because of her lol
you cant put the actions of someone else on a person. They all made their own decisions not carissa.
thieving scumbags.
judgmental prick
yeah i tend to negatively judge criminals, i don’t think that makes anyone a prick lol. don’t you think the criminal deserves that title a bit more
nope everyone messes up in their lives and this article isnt telling the truth either. Pretty sure you’ve broken laws yourself. Drank underage? smoked? ohhhh you criminal you.
lol i don’t think equating armed robbery to teenage pot smoking and drinking is a valid argument
a large majority of kids party in IV. I’ve never met or been involved with thieves in Isla Vista. its not hard to avoid people like that since there are few.. and they need to be expelled.
wasnt armed robbery, and a crime is a crime. AND if you think there’s only a few thieves in IV you’re highly mistaken
exactly so lets get rid of the ones who get caught
or maybe that was lesson enough and they should be allowed to change and continue to grow as people.
all criminals should be expelled from UCSB. these people do not deserve to be here. no one should have to wait for the day that isla vista is a safe environment and community. i hope that school takes action against these disgusting thieves.
They probably should kick out the drug dealer who was the start of the whole issue then too. Selling hardcore drugs in IV is way worse
why are all these comments about Carissa? she literally is the one that is coming out cleanly in this whole case, shit you guys got some personal issues.
cus shes a cunt
Learn how to spell then try and talk shit
people should learn not to be thieves and i wouldn’t have to talk shit. like don’t these students have mothers who love them and taught them to be good people?????? where the good moms attttttt?????????
someones actions don’t define them as a person.
I’m so bewildered by these comments I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, I am one of these ‘girls that left UCSB’ according to these ignorant fucks because of Carissa. So let me clarify that : CARISSA DIDN’T MAKE ANYONE LEAVE , it was my choice to leave and so was the other girl’s. People are in charge of their OWN decisions and choices , choices to leave a school or keep someone in their life. It is SOO ignorant what all these people are doing in these comments. In my time at SB I have acquired… Read more »
I’m so bewildered by these comments I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, I am one of these ‘girls that left UCSB’ according to these ignorant fucks because of Carissa. So let me clarify that : CARISSA DIDN’T MAKE ANYONE LEAVE , it was my choice to leave and so was the other girl’s. People are in charge of their OWN decisions and choices , choices to leave a school or keep someone in their life. It is SOO ignorant what all these people are doing in these comments. In my time at SB I have acquired… Read more »
get off her clit
could say the same for you ;)
but you really cant, that’s completely you.
lmao shut the fuck up sure its completely me thats why you’re clearly bothering to reply ;) lmao fucking coward why don’t u talk shit to me NOT behind that fucking screen .. haha