A third case of meningococcal disease — which causes the highly contagious and deadly illness meningitis — at UCSB has been identified by Santa Barbara Public Health Officials.
While Student Health officials say the newest case has been identified, confirmation of meningitis in this third case is still “pending.” Two UCSB students were diagnosed with the illness in the past week, with one student in critical condition. Both of these cases have the Type B strain of the disease, which is “not included in the vaccine,” according to Student Health’s website.
Student Health Director Mary Ferris said there has been no quarantine of the disease and no restrictions have been placed on normal campus activity.
“All close contacts of the meningitis cases are being offered treatment, and Public Health has made no recommendation to cancel any activities or scheduled events on campus,” Ferris said.
Public Health and UCSB officials will host a press conference to discuss preventative measures being taken to halt spread of disease. The conference will take place at 11 a.m. on Thursday at the County Administration Building, in the Board of Supervisors Conference Room.
This is the same strain which has apparently jumped from Princeton to a second university or college in New Jersey.I started the Cough Hygiene Initiative precisely to prevent this kind of #zombieapocalypse-If something isn’t done Isla Vistans will manifest contagious NEW JERSEY ACCENTS!!!zBut seriously check my Twitter feeds @ActVInfectiousD and @hashable2 for activist perspectives
The above comment before it was apparent how seriously what a bummer meningitis B is.Today’s news case five at UC Riverside.I was lucky enough to talk to Dr.Wada today (director of SBCDPH and expressed desirability of widest availability of the vaccine…if Riverside case turns out to be menB we should storm the Bastille…
Bexsero is highly effective against thus horrible disease.It is approved in Canada UK Europe Australia but not here in the USA
If you agree F/F