The Associated Students Legislative Council passed four bills and a resolution during their weekly meeting in the Flying A Studio room of the University Center last night.

As one of its first orders of business, the council reopened discussion on the Campus Democrats’ request for $725 to bring five additional student representatives to a voter registration conference in Lake Tahoe.

The council discussed the practicality of distributing any allocation whatsoever as the Finance Board allocated the last of the funding from its Fall Quarter unallocated budget at Monday’s meeting.

Off-Campus Representative Mayra Segovia said she was concerned about a suggestion to finance the group with money from Winter Quarter’s budget, as the conference will take place in fall.

Although some sought to deny the group any funding, the council allocated the Campus Democrats $145 from its Special Projects budget.

A scheduled representative from the A.S. Food Bank failed to appear at last night’s meeting, which added to general confusion regarding the organization’s objectives. Because they had yet to receive the group’s budget breakdown, the council tabled the Food Bank bill for another week.

The representatives council also passed a bill to deregulate the location of their office hours, allowing them to expanding their realm beyond the A.S. main office to foster a greater input of student feedback.

In her Executive Director’s report, Marisela Marquez said the newly-formed Community Financial Fund’s workshops have seen low attendance rates and encouraged that more funds go towards advertising and referrals to yield greater turnouts in the future.

Additionally, Marquez said A.S. is continuing its pursuit of property for an additional office space in Isla Vista.

“We are meeting with the developers of the former [Super] Cucas and looking at that location as an option; there is also a potential location on Seville,” Marquez said. “We will be discussing a potential rental space or perhaps a more in-depth partnership with the developers.”
