I didn’t attend the A.S. Legislative Council session because, frankly, I don’t care for the organization or any other political/religious student group on this campus. I think their ideological self-segregation is an affront to (what should be) basic university values. [Editor’s Note: Italicized quotes are statements made by the College Republicans in support of their request for David Horowitz funding.]
“We were asking for pocket change.”
I would really love to have that “pocket change” back in my pocket. As far as I see it, I’m funding an event to validate your opinion. Let’s be honest, Horowitz isn’t coming to challenge you with new ideas. He’s coming to cement an ideology that already exists in your mind.
“That small allocation would have covered security, making sure Horowitz and the students coming to the free event would be kept safe from any protesters who got out of control.”
I shouldn’t have to point out the hypocrisy in hiring police security for an event that supposedly embodies our right to free speech. Standing up and using your speech is not equivalent to yelling “fire” in a crowded room. It’s ironic that the same people against government intrusion are in the process of creating a police state, but that’s another issue. It’s clear that if groups of students are willing to attend an event just to disrupt it, the event is not welcome on our campus. Take note, this is exercising free speech.
“One of my club members confided … he had never felt more discriminated against and personally targeted in his entire life.”
OK. Welcome to being everyone other than a white male in America. It’s about time someone told you ‘no,’ because the real world is full of people who won’t agree with you. Know what would actually be discriminatory? If we brought a speaker to campus who accused all white people of being in the KKK.
Sound familiar? I hope so.
Probably the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time. This guy appears to have a big chip on their shoulder, and wields scathing logical fallacies to communicate this to his (hopefully few) readers.
The writer undercuts his credibility in the first sentence. Not receptive or understanding of student group goals and missions.
A thought experiment: If a student funded group publicly called for the extermination of gays or blacks (instead of Jews as MSA did at UCSD), do you think academia would permit them to continue their student funded activities? To ask the question is to anwer it. On May 10, 2010, Jumanah Albahri, an ex-officer of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD), admitted during an event put on by Young Americans for Freedom and featuring David Horowitz as a speaker, that she supported a second Holocaust. During the exchange, Albahri also refused to condemn Hamas… Read more »