A new music studio recently opened in Goleta to provide a place for bands, solo musicians and music students to unleash their creativity.

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Music Quest Studio offers rehearsal spaces for musicians, as well as lessons for all musical instruments, theory and music composition.

Music Quest Studio — which is located on Aero Camino near the airport — has four rooms that can be used either for lessons or as rentals for bands and solo musicians looking for rehearsal space. The studio offers music lessons for all instruments, as well as lessons in music theory, composition, performance and harmony, and the owners hope to add a recording studio within the next year.

According to co-owner Gus Detar, the facility addresses a need that was previously unfulfilled in Goleta.

“Goleta doesn’t have anything like this and very few places in Santa Barbara provide lessons for the kids and adults who want to learn,” Detar said. “There’s no place for people to go.”

Detar said the studio organizers wanted to help bands and musicians by providing them with an adequate rehearsal location.

“There’s always a problem with finding practice space, especially if you live in an apartment,” Detar said. “We’ve got four nice rehearsals rooms set up here and there’s no time or sound restrictions.”

Musicians who choose to book rehearsal space at the studio will pay by the hour — $10 for individual practice, $15 for bands who bring their own equipment and $25 for bands who use studio equipment.

Although first-year student and drummer David Alan Rogers admitted that it is difficult to find rehearsal space near Isla Vista, he said the prices for practice rooms might be too exorbitant for students.

“Personally I wouldn’t spend my money for the practice space,” Rogers said. “People who are really passionate about music are the music majors and UCSB already provides places.”

Steve Stockmal, co-owner of the studio, said the facility is welcoming to musicians of all types.

“A parent can walk into the studio and be pleased, and a heavy metal rock band can walk in and feel just as comfortable,” Stockmal said. “Each room has a good vibe.”

Detar said he hopes the studio will help expand a fledgling local music scene in Santa Barbara.

“The music scene here is pretty young,” Detar said. “Compared to places like Seattle, Portland or Los Angeles, it’s just blooming. We want to provide a place where we can encourage the art form and encourage creativity. The more involved the community becomes with the music, the more involved the musicians will become with the community.”

More information about Music Quest Studio is available online at musicqueststudio.com.
