It is difficult to describe the sensation I felt when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed SB1070 last Friday. I felt an emotional maelstrom of disgust, despair and utter cynicism over Gov. Brewer’s decision to implement the most draconian and most starkly racist immigration law in the last 50 years.
[media-credit id=20117 align=”alignleft” width=”114″][/media-credit]SB1070, appropriately dubbed the “Papers, Please” bill by its detractors, forces all law enforcement agencies in Arizona to ask for proof of legal residency or citizenship if an officer feels “reasonable suspicion” that a person is an illegal immigrant. In addition, SB1070 makes it illegal to “give shelter to illegal immigrants” whether knowingly or by “recklessly” disregarding a person’s immigration status. In short, SB1070 is designed to make life utterly unbearable for Arizona’s poorest population, and will certainly result in countless lawsuits, continued poverty and life-long ostracization for Arizona’s Latino population. The most nauseating aspect of this new “law” lies not in the actual substance of the bill, but rather in Gov. Brewer’s cynical courting of the angry white voter in order to win re-election in 2010.
Apologists for the bill, including Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA), bizarrely state that a person’s immigration status can be determined “right down to the clothes.” Considering that the bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Russell Pearce, is previously best known for forwarding e-mails from the National Alliance, a white supremacist group, and has appeared at public events with numerous white supremacists, it seems fair to say that Sen. Pearce might have more than a touch of bigotry to him. More importantly, Sen. Pearce previously played with racial politics by sponsoring legislation designed to stop “voting fraud” and “welfare fraud” by illegal immigrants, despite being opposed by the Arizona Republican Party and arch-conservative Sen. Jon Kyl. Considering the background of SB1070’s main sponsor (friendly with white supremacists), and the specific ethnicity of SB1070’s intended victims (overwhelmingly Latino), SB1070 is an obvious attempt to focus Arizona voters’ attention away from the Governor’s and Legislator’s incompetence. Instead, Brewer and Pearce are focusing on the old racial canards common in tight political races; by reflecting themselves as champions of white people, Brewer will be able to ride the anxious white vote through the next election.
Playing racial politics rather than promoting good policy is an American tradition as old as the country itself, and Brewer’s short-sighted signature is merely a continuation of it. Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush all won presidential elections by consciously becoming the “white man’s candidate,” while the Gingrich house used wholly fabricated depictions of black welfare recipients to cut social safety nets, overwhelmingly benefiting white Americans. Today, Gov. Brewer is trying to pit white voters against Latino voters in a cynical attempt to distract them from her frankly awful budget plan. Brewer’s plan would almost certainly fail to prop up Arizona’s state budget, despite cutting all juvenile corrections, child health care and state park services and imposing a hefty tax hike. In short, Arizona voters are being played like a cheap fiddle.
America is changing, plain and simple. Whether Gov. Brewer or her supporters choose to accept this inconvenient fact is entirely irrelevant; “their America” (where casual racism is normal and where white people hold all political and economic power) is rapidly vanishing, and nothing Brewer or anyone else can do will change this situation. In 20 years, Arizona will be more than 50 percent Hispanic, and a substantial portion will grow up in utter poverty thanks to Gov. Brewer’s wicked law. Considering the sheer insanity apparently emanating from the Tuscon State House, I can only hope two things: I can only hope that such obviously racist laws spur the federal government to finally take on comprehensive immigration reform and allow the millions of immigrants across the country to come out of the shadows. I also hope that when Gov. Brewer is standing at the pearly gates, telling St. Peter why she allowed hundreds of thousands of people to be ostracized, malnourished, harassed and impoverished, she comes up with a better explanation than “I had an election to win.”
[…] Here’s a good article on the blatant racism of Arizona’s new law. […]
This is the most predjudice and racial article I have ever read. Did you even read the law or are you making your statements based on the media scare tactics which your are also perpetuating. Since when do we get to pick and choose what laws we want to obey? What is it about “illegal” don’t you understand? Can I choose not to pay my taxes? The Arizona law is basically saying it will no longer look away when encountering known illegals and will now UPHOLD the CURRENT Federal law. And the important question to you is “If you were… Read more »
The above post by Jeansolean definitely adheres to the AP style guide
I agree. Arizonas Immigration law is Racist and Wrong. Man’s law is not above God’s commands or decrees. Man made laws that violate God’s commands and decrees are wrong and a sin against God. It is written in the Bible that God commands us that we ARE to love the alien in the land, not to mistreat them AND to treat them as one of our Native Born. We disobey God by making them and the people that help them into criminals by law, like the Nazism movement did to the Jews and those that helped them. The Nazi punished… Read more »
When I said “the people that help them” I was not refering to smugglers or criminals. I was refering to people who are moved by compassion, pity, love and a humaine cause.
I am a tad bit imbarrised that people think this law is racist. People enter out country illegaly and complain about harsh treatment. Thats garbage.
Archie – – God also commands that we obey the law of the land. Your line of reasoning would mean that it is ok to rob a rich person to help out a poor person. Remove laws and you have lawlessness! I agree with Jeansonlean -Since when do we get to pick and choose what laws we want to follow.
Mr. Miletich – – what a sad day it is to see a writing such as yours. Your title of the article is so WRONG – and misleading. I don’t think you read the law or if you did – your eyes are so blinded by your own biases that you can not see the truth. I think you have “white mans’ guilt”. How can you say the law is racist and Wrong??? Who are you to judge so harshly? What experience do you have in Arizona?? I am hispanic and I have family in Arizonza – – They all… Read more »
Dailysuxass – – what do you mean?? AP style??
You are exactly right. It is a racist law which must be done away with before it causes more trouble than it already has. Am I to believe that all these sane intelligent people protesting it are all wrong and Brewer is right? I think not. The wrong thing about it is not about the Hispanics as much as it is about they want the nation to believe that Arizona cops are so holy they can tell who is “reasonable suspicious.”. It is simply wrong to believe a police officer, who is as sinful as the rest of us, is… Read more »
@Becky Way to draw an accurate analogy. Deporting people according to federal law and punishing those who hire illegal immigrants (as per the Arizona bill, which I did take the time to read) is comparable to putting to death an innocent person for some reason which you didn’t make clear. Shit, I had a friend from high school who was a foreign exchange student who wanted to continue to college, but homeland security deported his ass because he forgot to renew his papers. Why isn’t that racist. He was just trying to better his life with an American education. DENIED!… Read more »
I forgot 2 things. Majority is always right (Nazis were right, the Jews totally did suck), and you are also right, illegal immigrants are innocent of breaking any laws as dictated by the federal or state government(s).
Oh yea, and the law has nothing to do with creating an environment of equal work, equal pay. Who would want that?
Nik…you said “…is comparable to putting to death an innocent person for some reason which you didn’t make clear.” It is wrong. Wrong is the key word here. Wrong is wrong and right is right, not knowing the difference is what is causing all the problems in this nation. My point is no one is qualified to determine who is guilty of anything when the sinner over there is as bad as the sinner over there: all subject to our lower nature which nature is manifested daily in crimes committed by human beings. As for creating an environment of equal… Read more »
Nik I forgot this: I do not condone anyone breaking laws whether he is an illegal immigrant or Benjamin Franklin’s latest descendant. The simple solution to the problem of illegal immigration is to make a law which will without mercy arrest any employer who hires them. Someone suggested fining them, but that is not severe enough. Jail time should do it! But Arizona is too stupid and afraid to go after the real criminals who are the money grubbing employers. So they make a law to arrest ignorant uneducated Mexicans who do not know (as God said of the citizens… Read more »
Don’t you think it’s a little ironic that by supporting illegal immigration you are supporting the people who exploit their labor and commit gross violation of their human rights? Does it make sense that anybody is allowed to work in this country without health insurance and without a fair wage? Illegal immigrants often work as modern day slaves in this country. I’m ashamed that this is allowed to go on and that there is a segment of the population that wants this to continue. Let’s be honest, if they’re legalized… employers in the United States don’t want them anymore. Their… Read more »
@Konijn You’re right, the race “issue” is a red herring. @Becky I’d like to respond to your points one at a time. You were the one that drew the analogy of putting an innocent person to death. I simply tried to point out that it is absurd to put all crimes on the same level. Right and wrong are not black and white. Just because none of us are perfect doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to create laws to form a functioning society. I would like to know what system you would propose to replace the branches of law and… Read more »
Oh, and I’d also like to say another thing about the actual article. Denouncing the supporters of the bill (Ala Gov. Brewer, et. all) doesn’t actually address the bill. You’re confusing the issue. Also, Gingrich may have used “…fabricated depictions of black welfare recipients to cut social safety nets…”, but it didn’t overwhelmingly benefit “white people”. “White people” actually comprise almost the same % of welfare recipients as blacks ( Where are the fact checkers? Even if the Nexus isn’t going to edit your opinion piece, at least have the integrity to make sure your article is factually accurate (or… Read more »
Nik said..”Right and wrong are not black and white.” Right is right and wrong is wrong is clear as could be. IE: if you steal you do wrong and nothing can make it right, it is wrong. You cannot steal and not do wrong. Some things are wrong and will remain wrong. The opposite of wrong is right even as white is the opposite of black. So yes right and wrong is black and white. Opposites! All crimes are not deserving of the same punishment but it is still wrong if is crime. If a man steals a loaf of… Read more »
Already a young Hispanic man was arrested because he looked “reasonably suspicious”. This young man’s right to his God given dignity was robbed from him. He was detained while being humiliated for no reason except that a “trained” police officer decided he looked illegal. It is insane! t is wrong! Do you know where this law will lead? Not to anything good because it strips Hispanics who were made in the image of God to be subjected to indignities and shame and embarrassment. All Hispanics will be looked at and suspected simply because they are Hispanic. I dare anyone to… Read more »
Either you’ve successfully trolled me or you’re serious. If you’ve trolled me, kudos. If you are serious, I can’t debate this with you anymore. Your thoughts and ramblings are void of logical progression. You are constantly contradicting yourself and your use of English is awful. Good luck spreading the word.
I still haven’t heard a single opponent of S.B. 1070 actually quote from the law in support of their opposition.
Isn’t this law basically a copy of existing federal law? Obviously the people of Arizona are alarmed at the rate of illegal immigrants that are spilling over their border with Mexico into the state. So what are they to do? Just sit back while the whole state implodes? It is clear the feds have no intention of honoring their duty to secure the border. So Arizona has to take these measures. It is a sad situation all around.
well miss ignorancia fatal are you from mars your standing on indian land gabasha wann be
Nik says…”Either you’ve successfully trolled me or you’re serious”
Brilliant deduction!
I hate you, but thanks for reminding me not to take myself so seriously
Funny how we’re talking about illegal immigration, not legal and EVERYONE in the liberal media is getting butthurt about this. We need to care about our families, not the families of people here who more and more never document themselves. Yeah, call it cold, but for Christ’s sake, I thought we were supposed to focus on our lives, not those of others (hint hint, Liberals, in reference to Iraq)
My family immigrated to this fine country and we do not get sent to jail because, well shit, we came here legally! Feels good, man.
Seriously!!!! How can anyone call this racist!! Does anyone know that not just mexican are coming across our borders. Anyone!! Anyone!!! America is a great country but we have become so soft that we can actually justify people breaking a federal law that in any other country you would probably be SHOT for!! People don’t understand that this is a law of the land. This country was founded on strong state government power and ther is nothing that the federal government can do about it. Stop standing up for criminals. Try to sneak across the mexian border and see what… Read more »
First I want to say.. preface if I will, When people combine religious reasoning with semi-logical arguments it is freakin hilarious. Ok, So I agree the police state is some what out of hand and after the patriot act and what not I think we would all be crazy to afford them any more authority over our so called “wellbeing”. That being said, This Law is completely necessary and this is why I think so. The Law will influence those here illegally to try and pass as American. Of course there will be the stubborn ones, but hey survival of… Read more »
California has a very similar law to Arizona. Both laws mirror the Federal law. The only difference is that neither the Federal law nor the California law are enforced. That doesn’t make it right. If you don’t agree with a law change it don’t mute it through non-enforcement.
Ha Ha Ha what you gonna do when the hispaic community of southern california runs wild on you those days are over slavery is over, put your crocodiles in the border line so we can make belts and jackets out of them.
This editorial evinces ignorance of the statute. I suggest you read the statute and post a follow up editorial that cites the racist portions of the statute
@ Becky All Hispanics will be looked at and suspected simply because they are Hispanic. I dare anyone to ask a five-year old child what he thinks of this law and he will tell you it is WRONG. ^^^^^ The comment above what you worte is racist. There all people out there who are illegal immigrants that are not Hispanic. Get your head out your ass. It is a cops duty to ask you for your papers. Have you ever been pulled over? The first thing officers usually say is license and registration. Those are your papers stop thinking like… Read more »
There are things you can look at like…can the driver speak english and if they can’t there is a good chance they are not here legally.
Furthermore, citizenship is required for a drivers license without a drivers so if you get pulled over without a license and can’t speak english what should the officer do?
Furthermore, SB 1070 is intended not to be “racist” but moreover, citizen-ist.
Citizen =a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.
Are people upset federal law is enforced by state employed police or that federal law exists?
I would love to see all those who risk it all for a chance to enjoy what I was born into – citizen of the greatest country on earth. I do however want to see them become citizens legally. I would never impead someones efforts to better themselves and there families, but all citizens need to do their part (pay taxes, obey the laws, obtain insurance, ect). The problem is instead of looking for solutions those opposed rebel rouse and name call. I reject the simply minded scare tactics the left minded use. Racism is the most over used term… Read more »
I think both sides are wrong we should just shoot them and say fuck it they inaded my space and there going to pay for it so forget deportation their just going to jump again and i say fuck allowing them to invade just end them permanatly a bullet is cheaper than a bus ride
hey dustin…… Fuck You i hope your balls fall off mother fucker. i hope ur mother grows a dick on her forehead and that your father shits a dog.
Dustin you are talking out of your ass if you see a hispanic who is determined you might piss inyour pants its not as easy as you lay it out vato aggara la onda pendejo viva Paul Rodriguez James olmos Mi raza cabron
You think its that easy Dustin i can write all night and say and say just doit life is short do it pussy cat hablas nomas a lo pendejo pinche cabron gabacho culero maybe they should start deporting all your family members from england cabron pendejo or from russia or from where ever you are.
You fucking ignorant piece of shit dustin
Why is protecting our country from illegal immigrants racist? Why do you automatically assume that this is targeting the hispanic population. That is so ridiculous. Mexicans are not the only people ever cross our borders. Arizona just happens to have a corridor of illegal Mexican immigrants. Entering the U.S. illegally is a crime. Our economy is F*cked up enough without having to use tax money to support illegal immigrants. If you want to live here, apply an enter legally. It has nothing to do with your race. Come here illegally, pay the price. Simply as that.
Peter, the arguments FOR SB1070 are POLITICAL, not logical. As was stated earlier, “Immigration and integration is forced upon EVERY White country, community, and institution and ONLY White countries, communities, and institutions.” Does Mexico allow illegal immigrants, and take care of them with government money? I am sure they do not. No non-White country does. Ross does not address the obvious: that allowing people to come to the US illegally brings in many criminals and terrorists. Ross uses emotional language, but not good logic. Ross will demonize supporters of the bill, but those who oppose the bill, like LA RAZA… Read more »
I think its really unconstitutional to discriminate against illegal immigrants because they should be able to have the same rights as everyone else!
everybody is decendent of immigrants and it doesnt give none of you the right to discriminate against the illegal immigrants come to america for a better life… The discrimination that all of you are giving to the illegal immigrants is the same discrimination that your ancestors received when they came to america….
my thoughts exactly, i %100 agree with you.
All I can say is WOW. Sounds like an illegal immigrant to me. Immigrant and ILLEGAL Immigrant are two different entities and as such you should be aware of the difference. If you want it in a way you might understand it is like this, it is legal to buy your food but ILLEGAL to take without paying. If you allow Illegal Immigrants in without following the laws and rules then you have no regard for someone coming into your house and taking everything you worked hard for just because they want it! There is no discrimination in this law… Read more »
Took me time to learn all the comments, however I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very useful to me and I am sure to all of the commenters here! It’s all the time nice when you cannot only be told, but in addition entertained! I’m positive you had fun writing this article.
I understand that being here illegally is wrong… So what about the people who are legal. Is it fair that they have been in this country longer than some white or black citizen and have to show proof of there legalization status just because they are hispanic or simply because some cop thinks he looks like an illegal immigarnt.I think not. illegal immigrants should be deported and they should try to become legal the right way but the laws used to control the immigration rate should be constitutional.
Daniel Munoz Bro you know that is just a way of them the racist trying to hide that they really hate all of us, all they want is our services they live off us yet they hate us. If mexican Government was not corrupt i bet even gringos would go over their illegally but ourb government is no bueno our only hope is these state that once belonged to mexico. VIVA LA RAZA CABRONES
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I believe that you can argue both sides and have very strong points. But in the end someone legal will be accused of being undocumented because of their appearance. And with that more drama will unfold. Besides, some undocumented people have children who are citizens..So res no point.
Of course we are highly intelligent to not realize that these gringos look at every way thet can to do us harm and discriminate us but we have pride in our culture and regardless we will prevail united we stand.
It’s tripe like this that foment racial division, not the law. The only thing SB1070 asserts is the rule of law and Constitutional principle. A nation which does not defend it’s own borders is no longer a nation.
” I can only hope that such obviously racist laws spur the federal government to finally take on comprehensive immigration reform and allow the millions of immigrants across the country to come out of the shadows”… for got one pronoun…it’s ILLEGAL immigrats.
No amount of redirection can erase that.
Bill McKay- you are ignorant.
1. Forgot is one word
2. Illegal is an adjective, not a pronoun
3. I’m guessing, or at least hoping, that you are not representing the students of Santa Barbara, because that would just be shame for alumni like myself
We need help wit the law, so many are being hurt an nothing is being done about, we have lawer but some help but most of the time we are fk, so who do u tune two.Around the world there are sick cops on our streets killing,robbing,beaning,an so much more.I know a guy was shot six time by a cop an yes he was unarm all most kill him, he’s a shell of his forming shelf,but the cop got away wit it, by the law he was black.But this is for all that been an know someone who have been… Read more »
illegal immigration is not the same as stealing or breaking into a place even if you didn’t pay for food you are not ppaying to get into a country. if you don’t come to this country illegally youu starve to death
You’re right. Illegal immigration is not equal to stealing or B&E, except in one way. Immigrating illegally, stealing and B&E are all against the law. There is no gray area. If you are starving and you steal a loaf of bread, most people would not consider you a bad person, but you are still subject to the law. The benefit out weighs the consequence, but you still must pay the piper. I hold no prejudice against illegal immigrants, I only believe they should be subject to the laws we have created as a society. If emotional (and political grandstanding) discourse… Read more »
we all imagraded here excapt for the Indians, So what does God want
He wants us to figure it out for ourselves. What hubris to assume you know what God wants. Please enlighten me if you know what his master plan is. Perhaps this is part of it. Does he perhaps want us to treat each other as equals?
There truly is no more love and compassion for less fortunate people. Its sad…….A nation that has been brain washed with the obsession of money and luxury…It blinds what it truly means to be a human being……I for one see this nation going to burn in hell if we start dehumanizing people who are less fortunate.
Not only is Arizona anti-Christian but racist……
God would not discriminate…….only Arizonans version of God…..
look here you hippie, I am from Tucson AZ and you have no idea how bad it truly is and how important it is to keep illegals out and have them do it legally… its because of liberal hippies like you that have made our economy go down the toilet by supporting the illegals and their ancor babies in the US.
) The reality is that our immigration system makes it virtually impossible for the typical Mexican to enter the U.S. legally in his or her lifetime. They come for the same reasons most immigrants come the U.S., for a better way of life. (Germano R, 2011) A 30-year old Mexican with a high school education and a sibling who is a U.S. citizen. According to data compiled by Forbes magazine, “playing by the rules” and applying for a green card means waiting in a line that stretches back an estimated 131 years!!! This is if he has someone in the… Read more »
Listen you trailer trash when my illegals amigos youll starve because you dont have the testicles to work as hard as us arriba casablancariverside ca cabrones
your own people is making the economy go down but your ignorance prevails kevin your pride and vaniglory blinds you your sad i bet your like arnold that stupid Forener tyran yet he betrayed his wife for a hispanic maid he is a sorry s..o.b
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I can’t believe anyone would be against SB1070. If just for the very fact of homeland security. I have no problem with someone who LEGALLY comes here but they are still required to have a background investigation, I have to have a background investigation to work at my job and I am a natural born citizen. Any federal government offical or gov’t elected offical needs to have an investigation ran on them if they favor the law suite against AZ, I think they may have some scum cartel backing them.
Well my friend keep on in dream land how could you not believe if Arizona is full anazis KUKUSCLANS if you don’t look white your a target step out of your ignorance the hispanic community we know whats up its just a matter of time before the biggest law suit is put on those dirty politicians
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Becky you just spoke the truth God Bless you it is a racist law breaking apart the u.s. constitution even tough we fought and will fight for this country and defend the white boys they spit in our face they have forgotten ther ancestors also immigrated to this country what makes them think this is their country just because they are white that is racism (THE INDIAN WITH ALL RESPECT HE IS THE TRUE AMERICAN) and if you know history Pancho Villa would cut the traitors ears off and if ever ran into the same traitor he would shoot him,… Read more »
Every White country, community, and institution on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country, community, and institution is told to end its own race and culture. No one asks that of ANY non-White country, community, or institution. Immigration and integration is forced upon EVERY White country, community, and institution and ONLY White countries, communities, and institutions. Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists”, but their actions lead to the elimination of one race and only one race, my race, the White race. The true goal of anti-racism is to wipe out my race. It is genocide.
When the R word is used, you can bet its just an attack against white people for being white and wanting to remain white. Is that not so?
The big taboo is that whites are not able to talk about what is good for whites.
And the strawman used to suppress discussion is slurring whites with labels, such as, KKK, white supremacists, nazi-who-want-t- kill-six-million-jews. Tell me this is not so.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.
It is not an attack it is the reality cabron your skin color has to do with it why when a black guy walks in a store he is always being watched but thats ok for a white thief to enter a store right he is white he is pure he will be treated differently like the G.W the commedian said blame it on the mexicans they are the next slaves beside the blacks, face reality and donot be ignorant their is and until you and all the racist people understand this is a country for everyone specialy my nbeighbor… Read more »
I would like to send the messege straight out Jan brewer who is racist Joe arpaio is racist they have the deadliest cancer is hate in their heart he is a hater all or almost all of californians hate him he is causing conflicts and fucking the economy ihn Arizona Wake Up Arizona repub;licans put his guy in jail even joe berry said he is an ass hole and even George Lopez said Joe is a hater