Editor, Daily Nexus,
The vehicle parking policy at UCSB is intended to encourage students to bike to classes instead of drive. This is a fantastic idea, considering that the majority of students live on campus or in Isla Vista.
However, given the large number of bikes that are parked on campus – especially during peak hours – and given the insufficiency of the current number of bike racks in accommodating the large numbers of bikes, it is unreasonable to issue bike-parking citations or to impound bikes that are parked improperly.
Consider even the fact that CSOs regard bikes to be properly parked as long as they are “in line” with the racks. It is not possible to park bikes “in line” with in some spots when the racks are full. For example, once the racks outside of Kerr Hall are full, further bikes parked “in line” with the racks will extend into the street. In other rack locations where in-line parking is possible, the space available is also limited.
Simply put, if the university wants students to bike instead of drive to classes, then it must either provide more racks so that we may park properly, or it must stop punishing students for reacting to conditions which the university itself has created and has so far failed to alleviate.
More like insufficient number of convienent bike racks..
Niel, if the racks at Kerr at full, stop being lazy, walk to South Hall, and park in the near empty racks. There is not a shortage of bike parking on campus. There is an epidemic of laziness. I also hate when people complain about insufficient parking near Buchannon Hall. There are no racks there for a reason, because it is sidewalk. You have to ride by the Library racks, the Broida racks, the Chem racks, and the Campbell Hall racks to get to Buchannon, so stop being lazy useless bike litterers.
"There is not a shortage of bike parking on campus. There is an epidemic of laziness." -Nigerian_Businessman Wow. This is one of the most outrageous comments I’ve ever heard about the outdated and underfunded bike path and parking system here at UCSB. First of all, who are you calling lazy? Most of us here are full-time students with jobs, and we work hard to be here at UCSB. That being said, who has the extra time and energy to ride AROUND an area that, by all means, should be accessible to bikes, considering that there is more bike traffic on… Read more »
bike racks could really help you secure your bike when you leave it *”`