We admit our decision to endorse Steve Pappas is unconventional. But then again, Pappas is a very unconventional type of politician. Pappas had been a Republican before registering as a nonpartisan in 2004, yet his views on the environment are the strongest and best-researched. His successful preservation of the Montanero Farm suggests an ability to find a bipartisan solution to the proposed Naples development. Additionally, Pappas promises to work toward remedying the county budget crisis and we agree with his proposal to conduct a forensic audit.
Pappas lives in Los Olivos, yet recognizes Isla Vista and the UC community as an asset to the county, rather than a liability. We like his proposal to re-open an office in I.V. We like his plan to create an executive assistant position devoted solely to I.V. affairs even more. He also proposes an UCSB Advisory Council of faculty, staff and students – although this calls upon us to counter our apathetic reputation with community involvement. He strongly supports continuing the tradition of Halloween in I.V. – again, hardly what you would expect of a former registered Republican.
Pappas’s easygoing demeanor and self-confidence are inspiring, and give the impression he is someone people would listen to. We admire his promised commitment to nonpartisanship. With county politics more divided along party lines than ever, there is an obvious need for someone able to bridge the gap between the conservative North and liberal South County.
Though his competition is admirable, the other candidates possess some definite flaws. Doreen Farr seems to enjoy the most popularity of the 3rd district candidates, and certainly on campus. She also enjoys the most support from the Democratic establishment. While her positions are favorable – particularly on the environment – they also seem at times overly vague and artificial.
Victoria Pointer stresses the same need for bipartisan compromise as Pappas. Her position on Naples, however, compromises too much – she essentially views coastal development as an inevitability.
As a 25-year resident of Goleta and Isla Vista, Dr. David Bearman’s knowledge of I.V. is the envy of any of the candidates. We feel a position as the mayor of I.V. – should our beloved little town ever become incorporated – would better suit his qualifications than 3rd district supervisor.
David Smyser could not find 20 minutes to meet with the Nexus editorial staff – despite considerable effort on our part. If his previous record stands as any indication of his abilities as a supervisor, we fear what he has in store for the county, particularly concerning coastal development.
A vote for Pappas will ensure the three distinct voices in the 3rd district – Isla Vista, Goleta and the Santa Ynez Valley – are represented equally.
The Daily Nexus strongly endorses Steve Pappas for 3rd district supervisor.
Do your homework, then follow the money…The Daily Nexus’ endorsement of Steve Pappas for Third-District Supervisor comes as a severe shock to many of us; I wish the editors had done their homework. The editors cite Pappas’ "easygoing demeanor and self-confidence"–which seems to be the only prerequisite for getting elected these days–but this is arguably the most important election in Third District history and it is crucial that voters support a candidate who accurately and fairly represents their interests. Doreen Farr is that candidate, not Steve Pappas. Doreen is the only candidate with the experience and track record to prove… Read more »