I’ve always noticed that there are just certain people you see everywhere. You’ll see them drunk at a party, you’ll see them reading the Weatherbox in class and sometimes you’ll be squished next to them on Bill’s Bus. They’re everywhere and eventually you figure out who they are. Except this ONE guy. He’s like 6’9″, he has, uhhh, a dark complexion, he always wears basketball shorts and a blue jacket and sometimes he has a small bag hanging from his neck. Who the hell is that guy? I see him at least once a day walking around I.V. If anyone knows who this guy is or what his story is, please e-mail me!! I can’t graduate without solving this mystery…
Thursday’s Forecast: “That guy” comes looking for the ‘human but gets foiled by its anonymity, just like hundreds of past admirers.
I FOUND NEMO!I would prefer to e-mail you in person, but I cannot find your direct contact or even what your real name is. Regardless, TO THE WEATHERHUMAN: your articles are what I look forward to everytime I pick up the Nexus…and I have to tell you, when I saw this today, I was literally laughing my ass off…yes…i was LMAO-ing in my living room. The reason for this is because I have been in contact with this individual…and the way you described him in the article was an exact match to the person I was thinkin of. All I… Read more »