Mick Jagger’s former wife and the former president of Trinidad and Tobago are among the speakers who will participate in the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s “Future Justice Seminar” today.
The forum, which will focus on human rights, environmental degradation and the proliferation of nuclear arms, will take place in the McCune Conference Room in the Humanities and Social Sciences Building and will be divided into two segments. The opening section, “Justice for Future Generations,” will center on the existing principles of international law and take place from 9 to 10:15 a.m. The second portion, “Paradigm Shift Toward Just and Sustainable Societies,” will address the future of sustainability and will span from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The NAPF and the World Future Council will present the free event along with co-sponsorship from The Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and UCSB’s Law and Society Program. NAPF President David Krieger said the campus venue will provide students and the community members with access to influential ideas.
“This is a great opportunity for UCSB students to learn about future justice, as well as a chance to gain insight from the presence of some outstanding leaders gathering in Santa Barbara,” Krieger said. “We would be holding this meeting no matter what, but we are glad to have it in a public setting so that students can hear these speakers.”
In addition to appearances by former Trinidad and Tobago President Arthur Robinson and Bianca Jagger, the conference will include former International Court of Justice Vice President Judge Christopher Weeramantry and International Center for Ethical Studies CEO Dr. Rama Mani.
The featured speakers are all members of the WFC, an organization that originated in London in 2004 that strives to inform both institutions and people about the importance of collective action on major global issues in the present and how decisions impact future generations.
Steven Crandell, NAPF director of development and public affairs, said the speakers aim to highlight the importance of immediate action on world issues.
“What we do now influences what the future inherits, in terms of environmental issues and social injustice,” Crandell said.