So, this is kind of awkward. Here we are, my dear readers, in the first week of our budding relationship and already tackling a major holiday. To make things worse, it’s Valentine’s Day. There couldn’t be a more emotion-packed day than today. Even though I’m single, I don’t particularly hate today. It gives us single people a reason to bond and the couples an excuse to M.O. in public.

OK, fine, you caught me. I do kind of, sort of, want a boy to kiss. But where is complaining going to get me? I wasn’t going to give you guys a “here’s what to do on Valentine’s Day” list, because that’s so very predictable. Then I found list of romantic comedies complete with the lessons each movie teaches you and I couldn’t resist. I’ll highlight my favorites.

“When Harry Met Sally”: Never rule out an old friend. Even though it takes them forever, they finally realize that friendships do turn into the best relationships. And then they fall in love. This is the best movie of all time and some variation of this is the best thing a guy could ever say to me.

“Hairspray”: Go after what you really want, especially when the thing you really want is Zac Efron. I don’t care if he’s a little younger than me; he is the SEX.

“The 40-Year-Old Virgin”: Don’t listen to your moronic friends. Most of your friends are smart and you probably love them, but sometimes they give the worst advice and tell you to do things like get parts of your body waxed.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Remember, above all, it’s just a day.
