Official Language:
“Establishes independent community college districts and Board of Governors. Requires minimum funding for schools and community colleges to be calculated separately. Sets fees at $15/unit and limits future increases Fiscal Impact: Increased state spending on K-14 education from 2007-08 through 2009-10 averaging about $300 million annually, with unknown impacts annually thereafter. Potential loss in community college student fee revenues of about $70 million annually.”

What a YES vote means:
Voting YES on Prop 92 means that the current formula responsible for calculating the funding for K-12 schools and community colleges would be separated into different formulas, resulting in separate budgets. In addition, community college fees would be reduced from $20 per unit to $15 per unit and future increases would be limited.

What a NO vote means:
There would be no change to the current laws regarding funding, fees and governance for community colleges.

While community college attendees would benefit greatly from reduced fees, these students already pay less in California than in any other state. The proposition neglects to address the ever-growing fees students in the University of California and California State University systems pay for their education. The proposition should be rewritten to address fees for all public university students.
The Nexus opposes Prop 92.
