In a unanimous vote, the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District board approved a number of projects last Thursday, including a $50,600 renovation to the community teen center.
The five-member board approved funding the YMCA Isla Vista Teen Center for improvements such as a wheelchair accessible ramp, a new deck, renovated restrooms and new water fountains. The board also selected bids for the Estero Park and Community Gardens blueprint and the Estero soccer field design. Meanwhile, an exception to the I.V. noise ordinance was granted for a MultiCultural Center concert event in Anisq’ Oyo’ Park.
Although it opened in 1998, the I.V. Teen Center – located at 889 Camino del Sur – did not have pathways, such as wheelchair accessible ramps, due to the absence of necessary construction permits.
IVRPDGeneral Manager Dale Sumersille said he is pleased with the allocation.
“It’s a perfect use for our funds,” Sumersille said.
After a long discussion, council members also voted unanimously on bids of $23,500 and $28,130, respectively, for the Estero Park blueprint and Estero soccer field design, both of which were assigned to Community Works, an IVRPD subcommittee. The blueprint entails fixed recreational amenities for the less than three-acre park such as the soccer field and basketball courts. The general manager’s report estimates the soccer field project will have a long-term impact of over $1 million.
However, further discussion of Estero Par and soccer field construction and management were postponed for a future meeting. Board members will vote on whether to construct the soccer field later this year, as they have until December to make a proper presentation to the California State Parks Office of Grants and Local Services.
IVRPD also agreed to extend the noise ordinance by one hour to 10 p.m. for the MCC’s Anisq’ Oyo’ concert event featuring Columbian Caribbean music by the band Very Be Careful. The May 31 concert, beginning at 8 p.m., is part of the organization’s series “MCC in I.V.”
Council members of the IVRPD will reconvene June 7.