Ever since I saw those fliers around campus, I’ve been wondering how exactly a bunch of students skipping their classes has any connection to the war. When I saw a whole column about it in Friday’s Nexus, I thought my questions were answered.

I was wrong. Eric Hedlund’s column (“Freedom Territory: Strike Exercises Obese Amendment,” Daily Nexus, Feb. 9) really isn’t about the strike at all. He mentions the fliers but makes no attempt to connect the protest with the ramblings that make up the remainder of the column.

No worries, here’s Jedidjah de Vries with a letter about the strike! And he starts it off with a similar question as the one I’ve got! This should be good. Well, halfway through the column he apparently has a revelation that answers it, but rather than sharing it in detail he leaves us with the dubious statement “Not going to class forces the university to grind to a halt.”

Hmm. Will one day of skipped classes really grind the university to a halt? Now, I’m no expert, but that sounds unlikely to me, even if 100 percent of the student population participated in the strike – also unlikely. BUT if this halt grinding does happen, it will “call for a change of policy” … somehow. Which will, uh, scare the, um, UC Regents who may have, in the past, given financial contributions to politicians and/or the military.

Hell, why don’t we skip class every day? I’m sure the war will stop within days.

Currently, I plan to go to classes that day. I might change my mind if someone can just explain in detail how skipping class will affect the war in any meaningful way. Someone’s gotta have something. The way I figure it, a bunch of college students wouldn’t skip class without a really good reason, right?
