Editor, Daily Nexus,

Your advice to vote no on Proposition 85 seemed to be based on a misreading of Prop 85 and a lack of research on similar laws in other states. Here are some facts from the other side of the debate. These facts and much more information can be found on the “YES on 85” website, www.yeson85.net.

1. “The effects of implementing parental involvement laws are now very well known. In more than 30 states which have parental involvement laws in effect, in some cases for many years, there is no evidence of any injury or death from an illegal abortions, parental abuse or delayed medical care.”

2. “Proposition 85 provides a procedure to obtain a judicial waiver of the notification requirement. The judicial waiver process is fast, free and confidential. A minor only needs to fill out a few forms to get a private hearing before a juvenile court judge, in the judge’s private chambers or private courtroom. She will have a guardian appointed for the hearing, and a court-paid attorney as well, if she wants one. If the judge finds that she is either sufficiently mature and well-informed to make the decision herself, or that notifying a parent is not in her best interest – because, for example, of threatened abuse – then the judge will grant a waiver allowing a doctor to perform an abortion without notifying a parent.”

