I once asked the Weathermum if she had ever made a mistake: She just stared at me for a while.

Thursday’s forecast: The ‘human will make no mistakes on today’s midterm, and neither with you, fellow Nexites, ’cause exams ain’t shit but hos and tricks.

“New Graduate Program Awaits UCOP Approval” (Daily Nexus, Oct. 1) incorrectly stated that the MA degree in Global and International Studies accepted 18 students to the program this year with the department aspiring to accept 50 students in each of the two years of the program. The program accepted 33 out of 70 applications and enrolled 18 students, with the goal of enrolling 25 students in both years to fully enroll the program. In addition, Richard Appelbaum sits on the Orfalea Center advisory board and is not co-director of the organization.

The Nexus regrets these errors.
