Editor, Daily Nexus,

During my three years at UCSB, I have been consistently frustrated with the massive amounts of waste that I see everyday around campus and in I.V. In my experience, the reason for this waste is not necessarily student apathy, but rather the fact that there is no place for students to recycle many of the things essential to our life, like red keg cups.

We at Associated Students Recycling have been working hard to try and achieve changes in local recycling policies, and now are very happy to announce that on campus and in I.V. it is now possible to recycle plastics numbered 1-7. In the past, it has only been #1 and #2 plastics, but our local recycling company MarBorg Industries has recently found a market for all plastics, including those red, plastic keg cups.

A.S. Recycling is coordinating with the Environmental Affairs Board and other groups to make sure that this is known by as many people as quickly as possible, but we are looking for your help to inform others as well. In addition to posters and flyers distributed in the coming weeks, word of mouth is going to be very important in making sure both UCSB students and all residents of I.V. are aware of this change. Please do your part and try to cut down on the amount of waste that UCSB creates.
