Editor, Daily Nexus,

As many of us have noted in the last couple of years or so, the priorities of our national and state governments have shifted away from the needs of university students. Outreach has been all but eliminated, our tuition has been increased beyond what financial aid can cover and many of our valuable and indeed necessary resources on campus are slowly being eroded by state budget cuts.

The Women’s Center here at UCSB is one of those resources in danger of being “terminated” by our governor. Our permanent budget has been cut 23 percent in the last two years, and many more cuts are on their way. We have already been forced to reduce our open hours, lose many members of our student staff and remove many of the programs that allow us to provide a full range of services to all students on this campus. If these budget cuts continue without counteraction, the Women’s Center may eventually be forced to close down.

In order to do something about this, the Women’s Center is attempting to get a fee measure on the ballot next quarter of $2.50. In order to have the opportunity to vote on this measure, we must acquire 15 percent (3,000 signatures) from the undergraduates by next Tuesday, Feb. 1. Please do your part to save the Women’s Center; come in and sign our petition, or at least sign it if someone comes up to you on campus or in class. We cannot afford to lose another important space on this campus.
