Editor, Daily Nexus,
There is something that is affecting people at this campus and all around the country and the world that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Anxiety is a devastating psychological problem that can come in many forms. Among them are social anxiety and other anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress. Anxiety is the most common psychological problem in the United States today, affecting approximately 19.1 million people. With this statistic, it is pretty much a given that a large number of sufferers are college students, and that many students here at UCSB may have anxiety and not even realize what it is. Some symptoms of anxiety include nervousness, inability to concentrate, dizziness, intense feelings of fear, difficulty breathing, chest pain and many others.
What many people don’t know is that there are ways to help your anxiety besides just taking prescription medications. If you think you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder and you want to learn more, the UCSB Women’s Center is hosting a panel discussion this Thursday, Nov. 18, at noon in the Women’s Center Library about anxiety and its causes, symptoms and treatments. The panel will include local therapists and experts on anxiety disorders. I will also be on the panel as a student who suffers from anxiety. Anxiety should not be allowed to take over your life, so come and learn about what you can do to take control.