Editor, Daily Nexus,

This isn’t necessarily a letter but rather congratulations on Brendan Buhler’s column “Our Hallowed Halls Defiled” (Daily Nexus, Oct. 18) on the ugliness of UCSB. I’ve heard of “University of Casual Sex and Beer,” but I must say that “University of Colors that Scare the Blind” is brilliant!

I’m from a city right next to Stanford University, which is a grand study in stonework and stained glass, and it simply begs the question: What were the designers of UCSB thinking? Stonework and stained glass are so much more pleasant to behold, and it would actually give me the impression that I’m studying at a university with the reputation it likes to give itself (and by that I mean the whole “research university” spiel). And indeed, let us paint Campbell Hall orange.
