Associated Students Legislative Council focused on the spring elections just around the corner in its first meeting of the quarter Wednesday night.
The council added two ballot measures to be voted on by the students this April. A.S. Community Affairs Board (C.A.B.) requested a measure asking students for a $0.60 increase in its lock-in fee, which would bring the total C.A.B. student lock-in fee to $1.75 per-student, per-quarter. A.S. Business Services Committee has never received lock-in funding and asked for a $0.50 per-student, per-quarter lock-in measure to expand the programs it provides for students.
C.A.B. had a measure requesting $0.60 in last year’s election as well, but Vice President Courtney Reynolds said although they received a majority of votes in favor of the fee, they did not receive the two-thirds student vote required.
“We are afraid of getting a poor student response since so many other fees are also going up next quarter,” Reynolds said when asked why C.A.B. is asking for the same amount as last year,
Reynolds said the $0.60 fee they are requesting would nearly cover the taxes C.A.B. will incur next year, and would free up more income to spend on the student volunteer opportunities like working with kids and the elderly and doing beach cleanups.
The council passed the ballot motion unanimously after hearing praise from Michelle Miller, the bill’s author, who said the group deserves the increase for all the opportunities they provide to students.
Leg Council also passed an initiative to put on the ballot an A.S. Business Services Committee $0.50 per-student, per-quarter lock-in fee to fund A.S. business enterprises like A.S. Bike Shop and A.S. Notetaking and Publications. Proceeds from these businesses would go into the A.S. General Fund and be distributed to other student groups. The committee has previously operated on A.S. funds alone, and is asking for the first time to have its own lock-in fee.
On-Campus Representative Adam Graff said the A.S. Business Services lock-in fee would be important because A.S. will not be requesting a base fee increase for the first time in three years.
“Let’s be realistic, there’s no way we’re going to get a base fee passed and what this’ll do is get A.S. some additional income and we would have more money to support other groups,” Graff said.
Doug Wolfson, chair of the A.S. Business Services Committee, said with this lock-in fee the committee could sponsor many promising student projects that need funding.
“The committee has come up with several positive ideas, ideas that would make money, but we can’t go forward with anything because we have no money,” Wolfson said.
The council passed the bill without opposition, leaving both the A.S. Business Services fee and the C.A.B. fee increase in the hands of students in the election beginning April 26.
External Vice President of Local Affairs Logan Green gave a presentation saying the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District is considering an ordinance to ban alcohol in all I.V. parks excluding Gaffney Park, commonly called Dog Shit Park. Green said the purpose of the proposal is to remove the homeless people who are currently allowed to drink in certain parks.
Chair of the A.S. Legal Resource Center, Jesse Uman, said he was concerned the police would apply the no-alcohol ordinance more strictly on students than on the homeless.
“These guys aren’t gonna go away, every morning I ride to class and they’re there drinking,” Uman said. “It seems like cops would be willing to be a little lenient with the homeless and come pick on students.”
The council members asked that Green keep them updated on any decision I.V. Recreation and Parks District makes on the public park alcohol ordinance. IVRPD was scheduled to discuss the issue at its meeting Thursday night.