The Not-So-Jolly Trolley
Friday, Feb. 6, 8:06 p.m. – A passenger on an open-air trolley, which was traveling eastbound on the 6500 block of Pardall Road, threw an empty bottle at a patrol car parked in front of the Isla Vista Foot Patrol station.
An IVFP officer pulled the trolley over and noticed an open keg in plain view. The officer also noticed that many of the passengers were holding plastic cups filled with beer. The officer asked all the passengers to exit the trolley and provide identification.
A 24-year-old man became loud and obnoxious while he was waiting in line. The man loudly said, “Since I am not 21, I guess they shouldn’t see my I.D.” When it was the loudmouth’s turn to present his I.D., the officer wanted to make sure the man was, in fact, 24 years.
The officer asked the man what month he was born in and the man said he was born in July, even though the birth date on his driver license was in August. When he asked the man to sit down on the curb, the officer noticed the man smelled strongly of alcohol and his eyes were red and watery. The IVFP dispatcher verified that the man had, in fact, supplied a correct identification.
The officer asked the man if the driver license was his and the man answered yes. When the officer asked him why he could not remember what month he was born in, the man said “Have you ever shaved your face in the morning and missed a spot?”
The officer asked what he was talking about and the man said, “Have you ever woke up in the morning confused and didn’t know where you were?”
The officer asked the man why he was talking about irrelevant things. The man started talking again, but this time the officer could not understand what he was saying. The man was arrested for public intoxication and taken to the county jail where he was housed, pending sobriety.
Blufftop Blunder
Friday, Feb. 6, 10:20 p.m. – An IVFP officer walking in the rear of a building on the 6600 block of Del Playa Drive, saw a 19-year-old man walk unsteadily out of one of the apartments.
The man staggered onto a balcony near the cliff. He swayed as he leaned against the fence. The officer watched the man roll his ankle twice and determined the man was too intoxicated to care for his own safety.
When he was talking to the officer, the man was slow to respond to questions and slurred his speech. He told the officer he had friends with him, but the officer had never seen anyone exit the apartment with him. The man was arrested for public intoxication and taken to the county jail where he was housed, pending sobriety.
Piggyback Ride to the Slammer
Saturday, Feb. 7, 11:56 p.m. – IVFP officers on the 6700 block of Abrego Road saw a 21-year-old man carrying an intoxicated woman on his back.
The man was swaying side to side and almost dropped his passenger. When contacted by the officers, the man said he was “publilly intoxicated” and had had too much to drink.
When he was arrested for public intoxication, the man said the officers had violated his ABC rights because they did not read him his Miranda rights. He was taken to the county jail and housed, pending sobriety.
Selective Memory
Saturday, Feb. 7, 8:36 p.m. – IVFP officers on the 6600 block of Picasso Road saw an 18-year-old man standing on the sidewalk with a can of Bud Light beer in his hand. When he saw the officers, the man tried to hide the beer behind his left leg.
The man told the officers he was only 18 years old, but did not have any form of identification.
The officers patted the man down before transporting him to the IVFP station. They found a multicolored pipe in his right cargo pocket with burnt marijuana in the bowl.
Once at the IVFP station, the man was patted down again. This time officers found a small plastic baggie with less than an ounce of marijuana in it and a blue plastic baggie containing crystal meth in his right front coin pocket.
The man told officers he knew he had the bud and the pipe, but he forgot that a woman named “Carla” had given him the crystal meth. He said he did not know Carla’s last name, where she lives or how officers could contact her. He was arrested for insufficient evidence of personal identification being a minor in possession of alcohol. He was taken to the county jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety. Officers are still investigating his stash and how he came to be in possession of it.
– Compiled by Kristina Ackermann