A multifaceted talent brought her act to Santa Barbara for the first time Thursday night.
Poet, writer, actress and hip hop recording artist Jessica Care Moore recited poetry from both of her books, 1997’s Words Don’t Fit in My Mouth, and 2003’s The Alphabet Verses: the Ghetto, in a performance in Isla Vista Theater.
Moore, who is originally from Detroit, Mich., said she writes poems about her own experiences in love, survival and resistance. She has performed on Def Jam and worked with recording artists like Saul Williams, George Clinton, Nas and Mos Def.
As part of her performance, Moore read from her poem “Hip Hop Cheerleader.” Moore said the poem is about her admiration for the hip hop genre. She had the audience chant “hip hop” before she began reading.
“I’m a hip hop cheerleader / I buy all your records despite the misogyny / not looking for the blonde in me / respond to me / I feel molested / hip hop fondled me,” Moore said.
“This poem was written to support fly MCs,” Moore said.
Moore said that she started writing when she was nine or 10 years old.
“I write so I can live, because there is a lot of stuff going on in the world. Poetry is something I do because it is something I did not know how not to do,” Moore said.
MultiCultural Center Programmer Luniya Msuku said the MCC, which sponsored the event, invited Moore both for her talent and subject matter.
“We wanted to bring a nationally known poet who speaks about topics concerning students, such as social justice, and also to show students that after graduation there are many options, such as being a poet or owning your own publishing company as Moore has – Moore Black Press,” Msuku said.
Moore received positive reactions from the crowd throughout the performance.
“I really loved the reading,” sophomore art history major Nicole Pierpont said. “It is so refreshing and inspirational to see such a strong, intelligent woman use humor and powerful rhymes to shed light on important issues.”
Moore said she plans to consistently produce new poetry.
“I vow to do a new book every year,” Moore said.