Editor, Daily Nexus,
As a parent of a freshman, I just want to tell you that your billing system is the worst I’ve ever encountered, anywhere. Every single online system we’ve used to check on financial aid and bills – including GOLD and the Financial Aid site – at UCSB is woefully inadequate – basically nonfunctional. We received a college loan to pay our son’s bills. However, I still have no freakin’ clue whether you received any payment. Same with insurance. We applied for a health insurance waiver, but never got any acknowledgment. With the deadline for bill payment today, I just hope you don’t drop my son’s registration, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you did.
The phone lines for financial aid and the bursar are constantly tied up as well, so I can’t even call a real person to see if my son’s school bills got paid. I’ve wasted more time trying to call, then get bounced off every time.
I’d heard there really ain’t no GOLD in California. This is certainly the case at UCSB.