According to article XIV, section 12 of the Associated Students’ Constitution, all candidates and parties running for office have five days, or 120 hours, to remove all of their signs after the election ends.

In order to make sure that all our political animals don’t soil our campus greens any longer than absolutely necessary, the Daily Nexus is proud to present Sign Watch 2003. We will monitor the campus for left over campaign signs, fliers and billboards, as well as count down the days until these materials become a violation of the A.S. Constitution.

Also, as an added feature to the ever-vigilant Sign Watch, you will also find a tally box of which fee initiatives and reaffirmations passed, delightfully juxtaposed next to the tuition increase slated for next year.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how much money you’re going to have to dish out for different campus organizations, A.S. committees, and boards and departments. Hopefully this will provide a nice little reminder.

Some things never change. S.A.C. sweeps the executive offices and has a majority on Legislative Council. Fees continue to increase. The brainchildren of A.S. directors fail.

Among all the monotony, Sign Watch continues to fight for the right, the true and the clean. As always, Sign Watch will continue until all signs come down.

Candidates, you have a little less than three days to clean up your shit. Whether you won or lost, it’s time to move on. There will always be another election next year -maybe even as soon as fall.
