Associated Students Legislative Council knows its ABCs: “A” for accountability, “B” for bathrooms and “C” for cold hard cash.

The possible removal of eight Leg Council members because of unexcused absences dominated the agenda of the last meeting of the quarter last night. Representative-at-large Ginger Gonzaga and Off-campus Representative Eva von Thury presented a resolution to hold members accountable for those unexcused absences. Members’ unexcused absences were reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

“It’s better for A.S. as a whole if everyone does what they’re supposed to do,” von Thury said.

Despite heated discussion that included thinly veiled personal attacks, no members were removed and the resolution was tabled until Leg Council meets next quarter.

Leg Council then passed a resolution supporting a campus-wide adoption of waterless urinals. The urinals would pay for themselves within a year of installation, according to the resolution.

“Out of all the [legislation] I’ve passed here, I think I’ll remember the one about urine most,” Gonzaga said.

Leg Council also approved a bill to place a night and weekend parking lock-in fee on the Spring 2003 ballot. The proposed fee is $3.33 per student per quarter and would ensure free night and weekend parking for all undergraduate students.

Following the passage of the lock-in fee ballot measure, Leg Council listened to funding requests from various organizations and granted $300 to the Satire Association of UCSB to help finance its periodical, the Pleiad.

Leg Council also allocated $600 to Kapatirang Pilipino to assist with its musical showcase entitled “Eargasm.” The event will take place Saturday, March 8 at 5:30 p.m. and will feature a variety of hip hop artists.

Samos Entertainment received $800 for “Electricity,” a dance/hip hop event in the Hub on Friday, March 7 from 10 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

A.S. Community Affairs Board received $200 to fund a campaign supporting the C.A.B. lock-in fee increase on the Spring 2003 ballot.

Later in the meeting, a bill to require candidates running for the position of A.S. internal vice president to be well-versed in parliamentary procedure was introduced by Representative-at-large Marshall Higa. The bill would require workshops, meetings and a voluntary test for next year’s elected A.S. Internal VP.

The bill comes after months of criticism of the current Internal Vice President Sunbo Bamigboye’s running of Leg Council meetings. The bill did not pass and several Leggies apologized to Bamigboye for any hurt feelings that may have resulted from the bill’s introduction.

In other news, Off-campus Representative Anthony Flores announced his intention not to return to Leg Council next quarter.

“This ship is sinking fast and I’m going to be one of the first rats off,” Flores said.
