Superior Court Judge Diana Hall is facing charges for driving under the influence of alcohol after being arrested on Dec. 21 with a blood alcohol level of .18, more than twice the legal limit.

Hall’s arrest occurred after a disturbance at her home in Santa Ynez. Hall allegedly pulled a loaded .38 caliber handgun on her roommate, Deidra Dykeman, during an argument. Dykeman called 9-1-1 after Hall drove away from the house. Hall failed a standard field sobriety test when she was pulled over by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Dept. Hall was ordered to appear for an arraignment on Jan. 22, and an emergency protective order was issued restraining Hall from her home until Dec. 27.

Assistant District Attorney Christie Stanley is handling the case, but has not yet decided what charges will be brought against Hall.

“We are currently evaluating the reports and we expect the follow-up investigation from the Sheriff’s Dept. to be in soon,” she said.

Stanley said she expects to be done evaluating the investigation and filing charges before Hall’s court appointment on Jan. 22.

Hall will be charged with a misdemeanor DUI and possibly related gun and domestic violence charges. The related charges include both misdemeanor and felony crimes.

Depending on the outcome of Hall’s court appearance and the charges filed against her, the judicial council may take disciplinary action against Hall that could jeopardize her judicial position. A felony conviction would automatically cause Hall to be removed from the bench.
