Associated Students Finance Board continues to give money to student groups despite finance shortages, although they are receiving less money than they have in previous years.
At Monday’s Finance Board meeting, the Sherwood Players, a theatrical production group on campus, requested $1,375 from Finance Board. The money would be used to pay for the cost of lighting in Girvetz Hall and for people to operate the lights in their upcoming production, “The Shocker.” Finance Board allocated $700 to the Sherwood Players, pending approval by Legislative Council on Wednesday.
In previous years, the Sherwood Players received more money from Finance Board, Ryan Foland, senior production manager for the Sherwood Players, said.
“Usually we come in here asking [for] over a grand, and we get closer to a grand. Whether it’s $900 [or] $800,” Foland said. “We’ve been around for long enough where [Finance Board] helps us keep going. [Finance Board] is our number one contributor. Without them the shows couldn’t go on.”
Finance Board Chair Manual Silva said the board has approximately $42,000 in the unallocated fund this year, has already allocated approximately $6,000 to various groups and has $6,448 remaining in the unallocated fund for this quarter.
“We have to be really cheap,” Off-Campus Representative Anthony Flores said. “We have to be penny pinchers right now. I thought $500 was a little more appropriate in light of what we gave other groups.”
Student groups are not yet out of luck, though. Finance Board received $14,206 from A.S. recharge fees Oct. 25 according to Finance Board budget reports. Recharge fees are fees that A.S. charges groups that have lock-in fees for administrative services, such as check-writing and accounting services. A.S. recharge funds also come from other sources such as over-enrollment during the summer.